About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10 Months: Taking Steps

Last month, I blogged that we sold our condo and it has been one month since we moved into Grandma and Grandpa's house.  This month has mostly been about getting you settled here and getting use to this being our new home.  Not too much has been going on.  We celebrated mommy's birthday this month by having dinner and cake.  The first weekend Sept 4-6, we did a little construction to your room.  Grandma put a door in the wall between mommy and daddy's room and your room.  We still struggle A   LOT with your sleeping schedule.  So, this way both grandma and mommy have access to your room.  You were first in mommy and daddy's room in the crib but you would wake up every time mommy or daddy would turn over at night.  We werent getting any sleep.  So, Cindy and Ruben came down and helped us put a door in the wall.  So you are in your own room, in your own crib and grandma can come help in and help mommy at night.  You still wake up about 4-5 times a night but grandma helps alot and she calls me in if she is unable to put you down or I go in around 5:00am for a morning feeding.  Also, Mommy started her Phonics classes this month.  Daddy watches you on Monday mornings and Grandma watches you on Thursday's mornings.  Thursday's are usually a day when cousin comes over!! YOU LOVE YOUR COUSIN!! You scream and squeal every time you see him, it's so cute.  We also celebrated grandma and grandpa's anniversary on Sept 15th.  Aunty and Mommy made them a simple dinner and we decorated the table.

This month, we also are dealing with Papa (nick) being sick.  It's mostly a day by day situation.  Some days he is feeling good and other days he feeling really bad.  That said, people have been coming by to see him and since we are living here, they see you too.  You love your papa, you climb up and like him to read to you.  You and Jace have climbed up in his arms a few times so he can read to you guys.  He has also enjoyed seeing you grow.  Regina has come by; Darlene stopped by a number of times, Pam McLaughlin and Christa Jaggers came by too.  We wanted to go up and see Maga and papa one weekend but we had to turn around because mommy's car started to overheat and have problems.  We plan on going up next month.

We went to see Dr. Winnie twice this month.  The first time, we went to see her because you had a high fever.  Your fever was around 102 for a few days, we gave you medicine and tried to cool your off.  However, it only lasted a few hours and then it would spike.  So, we took you to the doctor.  She examined you and couldnt find anything else what was wrong.  She told us to monitor you and if it doesnt break in a few days come back.  It finally broke the day after the doctor.  Then we when we went back for your 9 month check up.  She asked about your fever and said it must of been a virus.  Your 9 month check up when great.  Doctor was happy with your progress and gave you a clean bill of health.  No shots this month!!

You are moving faster and faster every day.  Grandma has a little alligator walker that you love to use and walk from one side of the house to the other side.  When we first put you on you were a little unsure of it but now you are walking so fast with it.  You are also crawling faster and faster. You have learned how to use your walker to get somewhere and then your transfer to the toys.  You are also starting to babble more and more you say, "ma ma ma" alot.  It sounds like you are calling me.  You love to talk at the dinner table, especially if mommy is talking to someone else.  You like to interrupt and talk over me.  It's too cute!! You are also starting to climb but mommy and daddy tell you, "no climbing" but that doesnt stop you.  We catch you climbing on books, pillows, and even one morning you tried climbing from mommy's bed to the changing table.  You delight us every day; we cant get enough of you.  I cant believe that in just two short months you will be turning 1 year!!!! Where did the time go?!

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