About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Good Old Days

Today was all about looking back and reminiscing on the good old days. Since mom and dad just redid their bedroom (the whole sha-bang) all the "cluster" was in the living room. So today was dedicated to condense and to clean out the living room.  Mom and Dad was on living room duties and Crystal was, of course, on photo duties.  Yes, it is true I played the I-am-too-cool-to-clean role LOL.. anyways.. I did have the option of going through old photographs.  Photos from at least eight-grade all the way up to high school graduation.   

I love that photos carry so many memories.  You can look at a photograph and remember exactly when it was, how you felt that day, and how the day ended.  The part that I enjoyed the most was seeing who stayed connected to our family and who moved on.  I have to be honest... there was always that one friend that was in every "milestone" photo through out the years and even in current pictures that familiar face is still smiling.  I also love reflecting on how everyone grew up and became who we are today.  

I have enjoyed every one of my friends at every stage of my life.  Rather they are only in my life a year or so.. or in my life forever... This blog is for them.. A thank you blog I guess you can call it that... Thank you for the memories, thank you for shaping me into who I am, and thank you for letting me be in your life.  Even though, there were times where conversation wasnt our strong point and we would secretly want to choke each other... I still look back and smile.. 

Now, I would love to post a few pictures of our high school dances, or our high school graduation party and even some our eight grade year. I have even thought of posting some of them on facebook.. but I am not doing that for a two reasons: 1) they are not in a digital form so I would have to scan them, which takes longer 2) they are really embarrassing!  So dont worry, I wont post any of them on... but I cant say the same for my sister... she might get her hands on them.  LOL..

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..


  1. awwww rachel. that is too sweet really. it is good to remember memories and friends. keep them close to your heart and have your heart open for more experiences like that. i love you and want to you to know that you deserve every happiness.thanks for being a great friend to me!!! i love you
