I feel like we have been busy ever since you were born. This month was no difference another busy month. It started off remembering when I told your daddy that I was pregnant last year. So much as happened in this year its almost hard to believe. Every now and then, I feel like I have to pinch myself to realize all that has happened. I am so happy that everything happened the way it did. There is a saying, "Everything happens for a reason." I get it now, your daddy and I are just in awe of you daily. We love you so much. I cant help but to kiss you and just love on you. Yes, even when you keep us up in the middle of the night or scream "bloody murder" in the car.
This month we wanted to baptize you in the catholic church. It was important to your dad and a tradition in his family. So, after easter, we started to prepare of your baptism. We first had to pick Godparents for you. We picked Stefen and Anna for your Godparents. Stefen and your dad are best friends. They have known each other for over 10 years and they have gone through a lot during those years. So, We called them and asked them. They agreed immediately and was so excited to become your Godparents. They were moved down from Sweden to Missouri but they were gonna spend about 3 weeks in California first. So, we picked a church and set your baptism date on a Sunday that they were gonna be in town. Before the baptism, we had to take two classes at the church. The beginning of April we were busy doing that. April 19, was your baptism. Everyone came out: Maga/Papa; Uncle Dana/Marie/Sophia; Aunt Adrianne/Uncle Manny and all the cousins; Aunt Misty/Uncle Jordan; Grandma/Grandpa and even Grandpa Mike. Of course Nina, Nino and Marie were there too. You did so good. They anointed you with oil, and blessed you before you were actually baptized. Then you fell asleep. Of course when you were asleep they called us up. You were sleeping when Deacon immersed you. You let out a little cry because you were startled, but once you knew what was happening you were okay. After the service, we went to uncle Dana to have a little luncheon with everyone.

Right after your baptism, we drove up to Marie's house to hang out with Stefen and Anna (your nino and nina) a little bit more. They were gonna leave that friday and we have been busy with work, errands and Easter that we didnt get out there earlier in the month. So, we spent a few more days out there. We went out to dinner, breakfast and just hung out with them during the day. They are over then moon in love with you. You loved Anna, you were talking away with her.
We ended the month at Maga's house to celebrate her birthday. We all went out to a restaurant for brunch. You love your Maga, Papa and all your cousins. We just hung out all day, Uncle manny is so good to you and let you use their things. He gave you frozen mangos in a mesh teether. You loved it, you loved the cold on your gyms and the sweet of the mangos. We also went to cindy's house a few times for lunch. You are always a big hit no matter where you go. Everyone loves you!!
You hit another one of your milestones. You are sitting up!!! Isabella Rose, I am so proud of you. You are sitting up so well. The week of you baptism, we noticed you wanted to sit up so your dad and I would place you on your bottom and you would lead forward, placing your hands on the floor. However, by April 26 you were sitting up without support. I placed you on the floor at Maga's house and I noticed you were sitting up straighter. Daddy and I are so overwhelmed by how fast you are growing up and hitting your milestones. You arent really pulling yourself up to sit up but you are trying. However, when we place you sitting up, you can sit up for 10-15 minutes or so.
You do not like your car seat or car rides lately. I dont know why but you cry when you are in the car. Not just cry but SCREAM. I dont know if you dont like leaning back or if its because you are strapped in or cant see out but whatever the reason is--- Mommy doesnt like it. You have to be in that car seat till you are at least 1 year old or 30 lbs. You just have to be patient. A few people suggest that maybe you are car sick. I hope you arent but If you are there is nothing I can do. Sorry baby girl. You also do NOT like sleep training. We stopped training you from last month cause we tried for 2 plus weeks and nothing was changing you actually got worse. So, we stopped. You only like to go to bed when you nurse on me. I love nursing you but you need to learn how to soothe yourself. We are still gonna work on it and we might start up it again now that your are 5 months but oh boy you know how to get mommy to nurse you. I really want to help you gain this skill. It makes it hard at nigtht. You still awake up at least on time at night, sometimes more. I dont understand how you dont like your sleep. You fight it tooth and nail for your naps and your bed time. Drives momma crazy. You can sleep from 30 mins to 3 hours with your naps, and at night you can sleep anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours. Such a wide range! I never know what to expect from day to day.
Through you fight your sleep and scream in the car... we are so in love with you and are amazed with how smart you are and you are figuring out how to get to one place to the other. You are on a roll and amazing!! Happy 5 month baby girl!! You are loved so much.
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
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