About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

4 Months Old: Rolled over

Did another month fly by already?! You are 4 months old today.  You are growing up and discovering new things daily.  It makes me eager to see what else you will learn and I am excited that you are reaching many milestones and trying so hard to hit others.

This month has been busy.  March will always be a busy month.  First of all, almost all your cousins' birthdays are this month but on top of it we have been invited to bridal showers,  we had your welcome to the world shower this shower and you met more and more people.  Aunt Lil came by again on March 2, she just loves you.  You were talking and laughing with her that day as we waited on lunch.  We saw Aunt Nicole and we met her family on March 7 for her Bridal shower.  Uncle Josh and Nicole will be getting married in less than 2 months!! You did good that day meeting everyone.  Although you did cry the moment Aunt Nicole held you.  You are still very much a mommy/daddy baby.  You dont mind meeting and saying Hi to people as long as you are in one of our arms.  You tend to fuss when someone new holds you.  I love that you are our baby girl but other people want to hold you and love you too.  March 8, we celebrated Santiago and Lucia's birthday at chuck e cheese.  Santiago turned 4 and Lucia turn 2 this year.  We went up there to say Happy birthday.  Maga, papa and your aunties can't get enough of you.  They love you so much and just love spending time with you.  While we were there, Uncle Manny wanted to put your hair up in a bow.  He made you look all so cute with a black and white "Hello Kitty" bow.  While we were up there, we stop by Graham and Amy's house on March 9th.  Daddy knew them since High School and Amy just loved you.  Later that week, We went to Brittany Foltz's Wedding shower.  Mommy knew Brittany Foltz since she was in elementary school. Actually, Uncle Josh and Brittany are actually the same age and were in the same grade growing up.  You met more people there.  A lot of the people we didn't know but everyone commented on how cute you are and your hair.  On March 15, Grandma thew your "Welcome to our World Shower" all of our family came out to see and meet you.  They showered you with clothes, gifts and toys.  We are so blessed to have so many people who love us.  We received a lot of bigger clothes for you: clothes from 6 months to 18 and 24 months.   We also ended the month with Easter.  March 29th, Palm Sunday, grandma, grandpa, Crystal, Jace and us went to Olive Garden for dinner.

We went to Maga and Papa's house on Easter.  You actually turned 4 months on Easter.  We had fun, we had an easter egg hunt.  Although you are still too little to go and find the eggs but we watched all of our cousins find the eggs.  It was on Easter that you rolled over from back to front!!! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of you.  Mommy actually noticed that you rolled over when I went to check on you during your naps.  I almost couldnt believe it, after you woke up you spend the whole night just rolling over one way and then back!! You were so proud of yourself.

Along with our busy month, We have been hitting milestones.  The big milestone this month was ROLLING OVER.  You rolled over from you stomach to your back at Graham and Amy's house.  We were just sitting there talking, and daddy put you on the floor and.... poof you rolled over, that fast.  We really didn't know what just happened!! Daddy and I scream: "Yay baby!"  We told Amy and Graham that was the first time you rolled over.  Amy was so happy that you decided to do it at their house.  After that you have been rolling over from front to back all the time now (when you want to now).  When mommy places you in your crib for nap you will roll over on to your back and wake up.  You are also talking more and you are just starting to giggle.  We have to work for those laugh but it is the cutest thing!! You love looking at your self in the mirror too: you laugh, wave your hands, and want to kiss it/suck on it.

Also, this month you have been testing mommy with your sleeping schedule.  You were sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night and mommy was getting so excited about you sleeping longer.  Mommy was waking up refreshed and wake!  You were also taking 3 naps about 1-2 hours long.  You were a very happy baby and mommy was a happy mommy!!! On March 9th you slept around 11-12 hours that night.  Daddy and I were SHOCKED!!! You had a busy weekend and was tired.  Mommy expected the same the next night but you decided other wise.  I think you thought you were a newborn again and thought you could wake up every two hours at night and wanted food.  During the day you were eating every hours in a half: before nap and right after nap.  You did that for about 2 or so weeks.  You still like to eat right before naps and right after naps. We also trying to sleep train you so you can learn to put yourself to sleep.  You are having a hard time falling asleep at night by yourself.  You break mommy and daddy's heart at night when you scream.  Some nights you fall asleep faster than other nights.  You are pretty good at putting yourself to sleep for naps.  You are ending the month by sleeping about 4-5 hours at a time a night.  Mommy is still trying to stick to the 3 naps a day: morning, afternoon, early evening naps.

Also, I think you are teething, you have no teeth yet and I dont see or feel anything coming up soon; but you are sucking your fingers and drooling all the time.  One day, you were crying and fussing for over two hours and I couldnt make you happy no matter what I did.  I gave you Tylenol and you settled down.  Poor Baby!  I dont want you to go through the pain of teething.  I'll try my best to comfort you.

At the doctors, you measured 25 inches long and 15lbs.  You are in the 75th percentile.  We also got another round of shots. You did much better while we were at the doctors office.  Mommy gave you medicine and nursed you in the room however, about 30 minutes later, the shots kicked in.  We had to go to Grandma house to calm you down a little bit.  You are mommy's big girl.  

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

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