About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3 months old: Grasping Items

Another 30 days has flew by and you are another month older: 3months old today.  I am both excited and sad that you are growing up to fast.  I am excited because I know whats ahead and you have so many milestones I cant wait for you to reach, like rolling over, talking, crawling and so many more!! However, I am sad because the days are just flying by.  I look by to photos when you were just born and you were so tiny now you are growing so much you are almost growing out of your bassinet.  Your eating and sleeping schedules are roughly the same: eating every two hours or so; and sleeping between 4-6 hours at night.  We havent really gotten on a nap routine yet; although mommy has tried. Mommy loves when you take 3 one hour naps during the day but somehow you like to take a bunch of 30 mins naps and then you are so tired throughout the day.

This month, we went to Maga and Papa's house to celebrate their anniversary on February 7th.  We surprised them after daddy got off work.  They were so happy to see you, they love you so much.  We went out for pizza with all the family.  Grandma came out twice this month to help mommy do some errands.  We go down and see grandma a few times a week.  When we go down there, we get to see auntie and Jace!  You love auntie; grandma says that having an auntie is the next best thing to mommy. When you are fussy, she can calm you down too.  Mommy has been trying to go to the gym once a week or so.  When I do, grandma and auntie usually are watching you close by.  You don't like to be far  from me too long.  Thats when auntie steps up and helps grandma.  We also celebrated our first Valentine's day as a family.  We stayed home and cooked daddy a nice dinner and dessert.  We also celebrated Jace's first year birthday!!  Its was so fun.  It was a zoo themed party so we worn a leopard outfit! It was a rainy day but we had fun.  You'll be turning one this year too, in December.  It seems far away but it will be here no time.  Ekk.. I don't know if mommy is ready for that right now.

This month, we have been really focusing on doing tummy time.  At our last doctor appointment, Dr. Winnie wanted us to do about 100 minutes of tummy time a day as well as some neck exercises.  Your left neck muscles are a little tight so we stretch them daily and tummy time helps with those muscles.  You are getting so strong.  Everyone comments on how strong you are holding up your head and how alert you are.

Your milestones this month are: grasping and giggling.  Last month, you started to grasp things that were put in your hand but this month you are starting to grasping items that are around you.  When you are on your tummy time map, you will grasp the rings in front of you and shake them.  You are also starting to grasp soft materials: blankets and mommy's shirt and put them in your mouth.  You are also just starting to giggle and cooing.  You love talking to daddy and tell him how your day was when he gets home from work.  Its is the cutest little thing to hear.

Our next doctor appointment isn't until April 13.  I have been weighing and measuring you at home.  You are about 24 1/2 inches long.  Mommy is so excited to see you growing and getting bigger.  Every now and then we see doctor Kylman at daddy's work and she is always commenting on how big you have gotten.

On to next month, your next milestones, your next measurements and to what lies ahead!! Happy 3 months baby girl.  I love you and excited to what lies ahead little one.
___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

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