My sweet Isabella, you are two months old today. You are growing daily it seems and I think we are officially getting this mother and daughter relationship down. You are still eating every two hours but we have gotten it down and we know what do and how to nurse. Mommy still tries to stretch you even now and then; but she was reminded that you are still considered a newborn and needs to eat when you are hungry. You are a good sleeper and will sleep at least 5-6 hours once we put you down at night then you wake up and start to eat every two hours after that.

You have a new doctor: Dr. Winnie Chung. She was nice, Dr. Klyman referred her to us because of our insurance changed and couldnt see Dr. Klyman any more but we got you an appointment with her. You are now 12lbs 3oz and 23 inches long. You have reached the 90th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. This doctor appointment was just a check up appointment. You also got your first round of vaccines. You were not happy! You got a total of 6 vaccines 3 shots and one was an oral drop. Once we gave you Tylenol, you did okay. Mommy just held you all day and nursed you.
This month, we have started a bedtime schedule. Mommy is still trying to figure out the best time to put you to sleep but we have a routine down. Our bedtime schedule is: nursing, bath time, play time, bedtime stories, then nursing and then to sleep. Sometimes, we start our schedule as early as 6:30 and as late as 8:30. The earlier we start the longer it takes you to relax, however, the later we start the faster you go down. I try to have you down by 9:00/9:30 at the latest.
Also, this month you have learned how to grasp items. We are still working on this and will continue to work on this skill. However, when mommy places a small colorful ring in your hand you will have a strong grasp on it. We have also worked on holding and shaking your rattle. You are doing pretty good at it. One video show you shaking it for about 15 seconds or so. Mommy still puts you on you tummy to work on those neck muscles. The next big milestone is rolling over and you need those neck muscles nice and strong.
Another milestone you hit this month was SMILING. Oh my gosh baby girl you have the most beautiful smile. You just melt my heart when you smile. Sometimes I have to work for them but when you smile it makes it all worth it. You smile the biggest when I blow raspberries either on your feet or just at you. You love when we play our tongue games and you smile big when we do play. I stick my tongue at you and you stick it back. It is the cutest thing. You love just hanging out on your changing table and that where you give mommy and daddy the most smiles. You also love sitting up and looking out on mommy's lap, you like to know whats going on and look at lights.
I cant wait to see what next month holds and what milestones lies ahead.
___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
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