About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Monday, January 5, 2015

1 Month Old: Holds head up

Well baby girl.. You are one month old today!  I cant believe its been a month already.  It seems like yesterday I was pregnant with you.   We have been doing well so far.  We are learning about things together like nursing and knowing what you need when you cry.  Some days are great and some days are hard but all in all we are making it.  

Its been a busy month for us.  We have gone to your great grandma’s funeral.  Grandma Reen passed away just 5 days after you were born.  Unfortunately, you wont be able to meet her but I know she loved you from day one.  We went up to Maga and Papa’s house to make tamales for Christmas day.  That was your first road trip and you did great.  You slept all the way there and back in the car and you loved being in everyone’s arms.  We barely got the tamales done everyone wanted to hold and love on you instead of making the tamales.  Then we had Christmas... Your FIRST christmas!!  You are too young to remember it but it was fun to celebrate our first christmas as a family.  On, December 24, we went to Maga and Papa’s house to celebrate christmas.  They gave you a lot of clothes, headbands and little other things.  Then on December 25, we went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house. They gave you even more clothes and things.  Grandpa made you your name sign that is in your bedroom.  Then the last week of 2014, uncle Josh and Nicole came in town and met you.  We baked with Aunt Nicole one day, we had prime rib with them the next day and then we had our New Year’s Eve breakfast with Cindy and Ruben.  Everyone just loved you and you did great.  One New Year’s we had a quiet night just us three bring in 2015 and we enjoyed it.  We were all tired and it was nice just to be home.  We also took your first trip to Disneyland on January 4, 2015. We ran out there so we could take a family photo in front of the big tree and to get your “first visit” button!  

We also had two doctors appointment this month.  Dr. Klyman just loves you and says everything is going well.  She told us to start working on tummy time with you to strengthen your neck muscles.  You are doing so great at that!! You are now able to pick up your head and turn it to one side.  Daddy and I are constantly seeing your neck get stronger and stronger daily.  You are 10 lbs 7 oz and 22 inches long. You are getting bigger. 

You are eating every two hours and I am still working on you latching on better.  You are sleeping somewhere between 3-4 hours at night and you take a few naps during the day.  You fight your sleep sometimes, your daddy is good at putting you to sleep during those times.  We are so in love with you.  You make it hard for daddy to go to work cause he just wants to cuddle with you.  You love to sleep on your stomach and to be hold with your feet right under you and your butt in the air.  

Happy One Month Baby Girl!!

___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! I usually can't comment, but I tried this time as "Anonymous" but this is really Gramma! Love you both more than you could ever know! So proud of you both! Happy One Month!
