About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Welcome to the World

Today is a special day, its your birthday!! Today, you made Daddy and me very happy.  

Your birth was one that will go down into the record books my love.  Mommy started to have contractions on Thursday morning before going to MOPS at church with Auntie and Grandma.  When we got to church grandma and auntie asked me if I started to have any contractions.  I said they were little but yeah that they started this morning.  Well, they started to time them throughout the day as we went christmas shopping.  I tried not to make a big deal of them because I knew it was too early for you to come.  Mommy wanted to still clean the house and go grocery shopping the next day.  However, grandma and auntie keep on saying that you were coming.  I didnt want to believe them.  

After our day of christmas shopping, Daddy and I drove home and I was so tired.  I just wanted to climb in bed and go to sleep.  However, when we got home I kept on having contractions and they kept on getting closer together.  Earlier in the day they were about 90 minutes apart but now they were starting to be 10 and 20 minutes apart.  Grandma and Auntie wanted us to go to the hospital, but I just wanted to stay at home.  Around 11:00pm, I decided that maybe we need to go to Grandma’s house so we are closer to the hospital if we need to go.  Daddy and I were in the back room and I was timing my contractions throughout the time and they were slowly getting closer and closer from 2:00-3:00 in the morning they started to become 5 minutes apart.  

We arrived at the hospital around 3:30 and we went into triage.  Once arriving they checked to see how dilated I was, we were told that I was only .5 cm and that they couldn't admit us until I was 3 cm dilated. They had Daddy and I walk around until about 6:00am and they were going to check me again.  Once, 6:00am came around they check me and I was now only one cm dilated.  I was very frustrated. Mommy was in pain and both daddy and I were tried.  The nurse explained to us that she was gonna send us home and that she needed my contractions to be 2 or 3 minutes apart for 2 to 3 hours.  She also explained that they needed to be more intense as well.  She showed us a chart and my current contractions were only about 1/2 the intensity as they needed them to be.  However, she said that she was gonna let us stay one more hour to see my pattern of my contractions.  

Around 7:00 came and there was a change of shift.  The new nurse, Marsala, came in and check me.  I was still at one cm dilated, I told Marsala that I was having severe back labor and if there is anything we can do for it.  She suggested some position and that Daddy could massage my back for me.  I was all prepared to go back home to grandma’s house to finish the labor and come back later.  Marsala then suggested that they had a tub that could help me and if I wanted to take a bath.  I was eager to go in the bathtub.  I thought the warm water would be nice and relaxing.  She went and got the bathtub ready for us and they told us we had a hour in there.  

The bathtub was perfect.  I was so tired, that I ended up falling asleep in the tub.  There was a chair in the room for daddy to sit in.  We were both so exhausted, daddy ended up falling asleep in the chair too.  I had some contractions in the tub but the hot water and the jet help ease the intensity of them and I was able to handle them more than being in the bed or walking around the hospital.  After an hour being in the tub the nurse came in and brought us back to the room to check us.  

Once she checked us, I was prepared to go home.  However, she checked me and I was at 10 cm which surprised all three of us.  Daddy commented that my water hadn’t broke yet and as soon as he said that....it broke.  Marsala immediately called for help and a room and we were off to the delivery room.  On the way to the room, I told the nurse that I felt like pushing.  She commented and said that you were on your way.  As we were being rolled into the room, I had a contraction and POP you came out in the hallway.  All of a sudden, we all heard you cry.  Marsala and the other nurses just stood there staring at us.  Eventually Marsala said, “um, I think we just had a baby.”  I was so clueless to what was happening, all of a sudden Marsala put you on my chest.  Daddy was behind me in shock and then asked the nurse, “What did we have?”  The nurse responded, “you dont know?! Well lets take a look! Its a girl!”  Another nurse called the doctor,  there was no time to call my Dr to come out so they just called the doctor that was working at the time to deliver the placenta.  

By this time, we were rolled into the room.  The doctor came in and had daddy cut the umbilical cord then he finished delivering the placenta.  Everyone was still in shock I believe.  You were on my chest, and daddy was right there with me.  We were just loving on you and then Grandma and Grandpa came into the room.  They were the first ones there.  It all happened so fast that your Maga and Papa were still at home in Murrieta.  Most of your daddy’s family were away at home or at work.  For the first few hours of your life, family came strolling in to see you and to welcome you in the the world.  

Daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our lives.  December 5, will forever be a special day.  We are so in love with you.  I pray that you will grow up putting God first in your life and loving him and obeying him.  We love you baby girl!  

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. This was such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.
