About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Naming Game

Well, peanut.... We are entering our 39 weeks and Daddy and I have a few names picked out for you.  We still dont know if you are a boy or a girl and we excited to meet you.  When we were picking out names it was important to me that your name meant something special.  So, we looked at many names are these are the names we picked out for you.  I hope you enjoy your names, weather you are a boy or a girl.   

If you are a boy, we are going to name you in honor of Daddy’s grandma.  Her name was Benita and was very special in daddy’s life.  So if you are a boy we are going to name you Benito Anthony Herrera.  Anthony was a name that both daddy and I really like and we thought it fit with Benito well.  Benito means “Blessed.”  I really liked the meaning.  You came into daddy’s and mine life in a fast, perfect way.  2014 was a crazy year and it started off hard for both daddy and I but we are ending the year with you and for that we are very Blessed.  Anthony means “worthy of praise” 

If you are a girl, we are going to name Isabella Rose Herrera.  We looked at a list of names and Isabella is one that we both liked a lot.  I think Rose blends well with Isabella too.  Isabella means “Devoted to God” I thought this was a special meaning too.  Its what I hope for you that you will be devoted to God.  I hope I can show you how and be a good example for you.  I am still learning that lesson myself.  Its a big lesson but I hope you will learn the lesson too.  Maybe we can learn it together.  Rose means “Flower”  I liked the way Rose sounds with Isabella. 

Your Daddy and Mommy are playing this game with Grandma and Aunt Crystal.  I dont know how exactly it started but they dont know your name and they have been trying to guess it.  Its been hilarious to see the names they are guessing.  I think it started before we really had names picked out for you, we were just trying to find that perfect name for you when Aunt Crystal asked me if we had a name for you.  I believe we were still working on your name but were pretty sure we had them in mind.  I told them how many letter were in each name both the first and the middle name for both a girl and a boy.  Then Grandma and Aunt Crystal started ask me what letters were in your name.  So, I gave them a few letters.  

So, as of now, they have 

Boy: _ _ _ _ _ _ and the letters (E, I, N, T)
        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the letters (A, N, T, O)

Girl:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the letters (I, A, L) 
         _ _ _ _ and the letter (E)

They dont know what position the letters go and daddy and I arent confirming or denying if they come up with your name.  It’s been fun playing the game with them.  Just about a week left until they find out your name for sure.  I cant believe our due date is almost here.  I hope you come out not too long after your due date.  Mommy is getting antsy and wants to meet you.  Although, I know the first few weeks are going to be tough but I hope we get through it fairly easily. 

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