We started out this month taking another plane trip to Missouri. This trip was just you and me baby girl, we went solo on this and just about 2 weeks after Uncle Josh got married. We headed to Missouri because Hailey Lopez was getting married this time. The Lopez' are such amazing people and I was so excited to show you off to them. Mommy lived with Don and Margie as I was going to college for my Masters. We flew in June 4th in to Springfield, you did great on the plane. It was a little long flight than the flight to Oregon. That first night we hung out at Brain and Dana's house during the day. Everyone LOVED YOU!! Kezzie and Sammy Jo loved playing with you as well as Brian and Dana. That first night we just had a quiet night after a long day of traveling. You met: Rich Landi, Anthony, Brian, Dana, Megan Cardwell, Kezzie, Sammy Jo, Gracie, Faith, Michelle. Don and Margie. The next day, we went to the saddlebrooke pool with Nicole, Sophia, Anthony, and Rich. You loved the pool, you are such a water baby and you enjoyed swimming with mommy. After a morning of going swimming, we went back down to Brain and Dana and hung out there for a little bit longer, till Margie got off of work and took us back home.
The next day was the BIG day for Hailey and we went to her wedding in the afternoon. In the morning, Mommy took you down and showed you off to some of the neighbors that she knew. Everyone commented on how beautiful you are. You were acting a little shy and would place your head on my shoulders. You met: Hailey, Benjamin, Sam and Brenda. Sunday and Monday we hung out with everyone. We had lunch the girls, and just was enjoying company. Everyone there is such so dear to mommy's heart that I am so glad you got to meet them. They poured their love on you all weekend long. On Tuesday, June 9th, we headed home. It was a nice long weekend but you were ready to go home and see daddy. That week we stayed home and relaxed. That weekend, actually daddy flew to Missouri to help Nino. Nino was come in CA to pack up his things at Marie's house. Since your daddy has such a HUGE heart he didnt want Nino to drive out by himself and then drive back. So, your daddy flew out there on June 13th and they were gonna drive back to CA on the 15th. When Daddy and Nino arrived after a 24 hour drive, they crashed at the house but we got to see and have some Nino time in the morning for breakfast.
June 18th, Mommy went to the gym and grandma and Auntie watched you as I worked out. June 19th, we actually went to a funeral. Her name was Sherri Garcia. Mommy knew her and her son a long time ago when we were younger at church. Brandon and Uncle Josh are about the same age. This weekend was Father's day so we celebrated grandpa by going to the park and having relaxing day. Then later saturday night we went out to dinner at olive garden with cousin, auntie, grandma and grandpa. On Sunday, we went to aunt Misty and celebrated Papa and Daddy. We had a pool party and you went in the pool with daddy. Your cousin loved you and loved playing with you and making you laugh. Mommy and Daddy actually celebrated our 1st year wedding anniversary on June 22!! I cant believe its been one year already. We went out and took a family photo shoot. You were tired but did okay. This week was a busy one. Mommy's 3rd cousins were in town: Soliz family and spent a week at grandma's house. So we were there hanging out with them. We also went to Journey of Faith, mommy had an "interview" for a part time job in Sept. 2015. We also celebrated Auntie and Grandpa's birthday. We ended the week unfortunately at another funeral. This one was hard: her name was Priscilla. She was mommy's preschool teacher when mommy was little, then Mommy grew up and worked side by side with her.
You have been eating solids foods for about 1 month now. We started giving you some solids just a few days before you officially turned 6 months. Mommy was doing some research about foods and found a method called: 'Baby Led Weaning' basically its about skipping baby foods and giving table foods. We started it and you love feeding yourself. You love your fruit, some veggies, bread and you'll almost eat about anything we give you. However, when we went to the doctor about told her what we have been doing, she wasnt too keen on the idea. She wants us to give you 3 meals of baby food a day. As a good mommy, we have been doing that however you do not like it. You will probably eat about 3 or 4 teaspoons of baby food. You push it out with your tongue and turn your head. Mommy has to actually coax you to eat by making you laugh. You will grab table food though and almost devour it though. So, we have been doing a mix of baby food and table foods.
Other than keeping up with you and your new skills, Auntie had some news to share as well. Late last month, when uncle josh was getting married, Auntie suspected that she was pregnant. She didnt want to upstage Uncle Josh's big day so she waited till after we came back. When we came back life became busier and she finally took a test and it confirmed that she was pregnant. We were so excited to have another cousin for you to play with next year. She was due Jan 2016 just before Jace's 2nd birthday. Then Auntie and Uncle Geoff went to the doctor for her first check up and the sonogram showed two babies!!! Auntie is gonna have TWINS!!! OMG!! You are gonna have two new cousins. I am happy, excited, shocked.... just overall stunned. I cant believe it. Right now, auntie is 11 weeks and is just ending her first trimester. The twins are due in January as of right now but the doctors might deliver them a little bit early around December 20th. Your mommy is so excited, I would never of guessed auntie would be having TWINS...
Your doctor visits are going well. You are growing and making good process. Right now, you weigh 17lbs and are 25 inches tall. The way you are growing and developing skills, I have NO idea what lies ahead next month.
______________________________________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
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