This month started off with the everyone celebrating 4th of July. This year, was your first one and we were at Auntie's house to celebrate. Auntie's block has a block party and everyone shoots off fireworks. We started off at grandma's house with having a bbq and then when it was dark we went to see the fireworks at auntie's house. I thought you would be fussy cause it was way past your "bedtime" and I didnt know if the fireworks would scare you. However, you did okay. You clung on to mommy the whole time. You were so tired but just held on to me. When you heard the fireworks go off your grasp got just a little tighter but you didn't cry or scream. On July 5th we went up to see Maga, Papa, Aunt Adrianne and all your cousins. They just love you to death!! Lucia and Santiago loves just playing peek-a-boo with you. Lucia was sharing all her toys with you too. On July 11 and July 25th we went to two of your daddy's cousins baby shower. Cousin Erika's baby shower was on the July 11 and cousin Dani was on July 25th.. All your daddy's aunties were there on both showers and they enjoyed loving on you as well. They were holding you and loving you as well. Mommy went to the gym a few times as well this month. Some days grandma watched you and others you were in the Kids Club at the gym. Grandpa was pretty sick this month as well and was in the hospital a few days. We went to see him and we brought him lunch. Grandpa is doing much better now, he ended up having a virus that ran it course for more than 6 weeks or so. Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole came down for a weekend when grandpa wasnt feeling good. It was nice to see them since the wedding. On July 16, grandma had a doctor appointment with Dr. Signh and we went to see her. Dr. Signh was your doctor when you were in mommy's tummy. The office was so glad to see you. The nurses held you and was so impressed to see how big you've grown. On the weekend of July 18 and 19th we had some family days. On July 18th we had dinner with the whole Salon. On July 19th, everyone drove up to Cindy's house and had a family day there. You, mommy, daddy and grandma all swam in the pool. You love the water and enjoyed swimming in there. Mommy starts her part-time work next month, August 24th, so grandma watched you as I had a meeting at Journey of faith. Grandma is gonna watch you on day when mommy is at work so she was watching you on July 22 to see how you will do without mommy there. We end them month with putting up our condo for sell. We want to move down closer to daddy's work so we spent the last week cleaning and de-cluttering the house so our realtor can list it.
You are getting stronger and stronger as the days and weeks go by. You are pulling yourself up with ease now and in many more places and by yourself. Last month when you first started to pull yourself up you need some help with mommy and daddy but now for the most part you can do it all by yourself. You are also now learning how to go from standing to sitting and back to standing again. You also started to "army crawl" everywhere now. It is the cutest thing!! You crawl with gusto down the hall, in the kitchen and toward the backdoor. You are just starting to get on all fours but you haven't quite figure out how to crawl in that position. You almost get on all fours when you want to stand up. You have started to stand up by yourself for a few seconds. You almost don't know what you are doing but as soon as you realize that you aren't holding on to anything you sit down and start to crawl again.

You are taking longer naps now. Your naps can range from an hour to about two hours now and you can take about two good naps. Some days you don't sleep well and still need three naps a day. At night, what can I say, things haven't changed much. I don't know why I am still trying to get you to conform whatever "they" say. I need to start just trusting me and going by what you need. You'll get it soon enough, you are a smart girl.
Well baby girl, I am falling in love with you more and more. You are doing so much and I love your new independent mentality. However, you still know where mommy is at all times and I love when you come up to me and need me at the same time. I love when you bury your head into my shoulders and my chest. Well baby girl, on to next month!!!
___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
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