About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Unofficial, official new

So, today I had an interview to First Steps for Kids.  It is a place that provides therapy for children on the Autism Spectrum.   My appointment was at 11:30 pm. I got there a few minutes early.. I filled out the necessary paperwork that was handed to me.  Once I was called in I was asked about my previous child care work.. I was asked questions like: "How did I get in to child care?" "What aspects of children do I enjoy?" "What aspects of children do I find it difficult?" I successfully answered those questions. Later I was asked about my education and my time in Oregon? I answered that by saying I believe that moving their help me to defined myself separate from my family and friends.. and I was able to focus on my schooling and to figure out what I enjoyed.. I compared the lifestyle between LA and Eugene.  From there I was asked about Autism and what I knew about.. I drew on by classes that I took in Oregon and at El Camino.  I talked about ABA.. Applied Behavior Analysis... I also told her the three areas that are typically seen in children who have Autism. We talked about the program, the training that they will provide me, how long a session is, how typically the session is set up, the pay rate and my availiblity of my upcoming schedule.  

After about an hour... as we where talking about schedules and training.. She asked me if I would like to train with First Steps.. Of course my answer was "Yes, I would love to." She responded by saying: "I would love to train you." She also said that she would send me a package that I would need to fill out and return it when I come in on the first day of training.  

So, the interview went EXCETIONALLY WELL and with that... I am 95% sure that I just got a job!!!!!

But it is still unofficial.. I was told to give her a week/week in a half.. as she interview other candidates and sets up a training schedule.  

I hope the other candidates aren't THAT good (is that horrible to say) well.... Wish me Luck!!
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..


  1. Congrats Rachel! I am praying it comes through for you. Please keep us updated.

  2. yay yay im so proud of my little bubbie!!!!!!!
