About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Yesterday, as you guys all know was thanksgiving!! This year was the first year I wasnt with my blood family for a holiday however, it was okay because I was with my missouri family: the Lopezs! I feel so blessed being here in missouri.. There is so much life here, it is filled with love and great people. Daily, I am look around and I feel so happy to be in the presence of such great people.

Even though I was with the lopezs, I had to bring some of the canty tradition. We had the famous canty's cranberry bread for breakfast...
As we were eating, the turkeys were in the oven.. We had one 15 pounds and other one was 12 pounds... We were gonna have 14 people over for dinner. The Menu consisted of: turkeys, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casarole, salad, rolls, and of coarse the gravy!!! For dessert we had: 2 apple pies, pumkin pie, sweet potato pie, cheesecake, and chocolate chip cookie bars.. YUM!!! We prepared the turkeys, the mashed patatoes, and the apple pies and everyone else brought the rest.

We all sat down and enjoyed everyone's companay... What great company it was!

My Plate: my yummy turkey neck and a little bit of everything
Dinner is over, we are stuffed to the rim.
Time for games, crosswords, and black friday shopping strategy!
Dana put kezzie in the wagon for photos..
This was kezzie's 1st thanksgiving!!!
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..

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