About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Home for Christmas

Well its been a while since I wrote a blog.. so let me catch you up!

I finished my first semester of grad school! It was exciting and crazy all at the same time! I cant wait for next semester where we will be in the clinic so much more! I was in the clinic this semester for a few hours once a week and I was BLOW AWAY by these little children just signing away just as typical children talk! I was so impressed! I cant wait till I have my own classroom!!!
As much fun as the semester was, the holiday break was extremely welcomed! I flew home to LA and was greeted by three people screaming: RACHEL'S HOME!!! This would be my sister, brother and my brother's friend philip! What a great greeting, a little loud but I would expect anything else. LOL. There is no stopping at the Canty's.. The next day we were getting ready to our family Christmas party. It was nice to see everyone else: cousins on both sides, aunts, friends and of course it all revolved around a massive amounts of food and desserts!! Then Sunday was filled with church, the nutcracker, and another party filled with friends!! Monday started the last week before christmas and since I was all done with my christmas shopping that meant I could stay home right?! LOL.. nope.. It was another busy day filled with lunch out with a friend and helping my sister, crystal with her last minute gifts. Tuesday, started out with a "girl's day" with getting our hair and makeup done. We had a makeup trail for Crystal's wedding, and we made sure our hair is nice and healthy. Then it finished as helping my brother, josh finish his shopping!! Wednesday was filled with more catching up with friends! Who knew I had so many friends that wanted to see me?! I guess I should go away more often ;)

Thursday, CHRISTMAS EVE! That was fun, with wrapping gifts, making gingerbread houses, and getting ready for our formal christmas eve dinner!! What a night! We did the traditional gifts which were PJs. Then since Geoff was working a 24 hour on christmas we exchanged gifts with him! Our mom got us all a framed photo to put in our new house! Crystal and Geoff got a beautiful photo of a boy and a girl playing in the fall leaves. I got a photo of a boy and girl swinging high over the roof tops and my brother got a church cathedral and it was one of his favorite artist.

Then it was FRIDAY, CHRISTMAS DAY!!! I am 23 years old and when it comes to christmas I am like a little kids all over the place. Christmas day is a day that we remember that CHRIST OUR SAVIOR is born, all the carols state it and it is a day that is filled with excitement. It should be!! It has always been filled with that magic since day one! Whether you believe in OUR LORD SAVIOR or Santa almost every one I know see christmas with that same feeling!

Anyways.. Christmas morning! I, or course, got up early.. and was waiting till the rest of the family to wake up! We opened stocking first around 10:30, then it was breakfast, and finally gifts at 12:30. I think we are the ONLY family that opens gift so late! What another great day.. It was filled with a whole lot of gifts from clothes, to electronics, to photo books, to movies. Santa was good to us this year! Then it was dinner and more family came over (the cousins from the Canty's side). It was a little smaller this year because our younger cousin was in the emergency room from a panic attack! Don't worry she is okay, but none the less, it was a great christmas!! I have enjoyed all of my family, friends and the company that continually walks through the door!

My vacation is not yet finished. I go back to January 7, 2010. I am so surprised each year how fast the year goes. In 2009 we had 11 weddings, 1 baby, I went off to missouri for my masters, new friendships were made, old ones grew stronger and now we are here once again staring straight into the year 2010. Next year wont go any slower: The Canty's are looking at: Josh and Dad going to spain in January, Papa is going to Israel, Crystal and Geoff are going to graduate, I'll be in missouri working on my masters, Crystal's wedding shower in August, and then CRYSTAL CANTY becomes CRYSTAL ARAI in November, then thanksgiving, and Christmas again!! WOW!!! Busy, busy busy, but just think we are growing up nice and strong!! 3 adults all heading on their own path.

Thank you for everyone that has crossed path with the Canty's. You guys have all impacted our lives for the better. There are some people that have fell off of our radar and some people that are here constantly and some we see only in the holidays! You guys are all special and I thank you!!

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..


  1. I love your family and I don't even know them! It looks like you are having an awesome time at home! Good news for you, you may be coming home to Missouri and get to play in snow!

  2. Well, Rachel, I just read this blog; It was great to reflect on Christmas, it was just a month and a half ago.. boy the time keeps going fast! I had a wonderful Christmas as well, I love the moments we all spend together!
