About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sophia Angeline Lopez

On September 20, 2010, Baby Sophia was born to wonderful parents of Steve and Nicole Lopez. She is just a beauty, entering this world at 6.11oz and 20.25 inches long.
We all knew that sophia was gonna make her grand entrance because nicole had an appointment to be induced that morning. So Don, Margie and I drove all the way down the to the hospital at 7:00 in the morning (thank God I didn't have any school). We sat there sitting all day waiting for this new miracle to enter this world. Nicole had a pretty good day, nothing to stressful until about 3:30pm when the doctor came and told nicole to start pushing. Nicole pushed and pushed and beautiful Sophia was born at 4:56pm!!! Everyone there: Don, Margie, myself, Brian, Dana, Kezzie, Hailey, Alex, and Brenda all came. We all took a moment to bond with baby sophia.

It's been a week now and both mommy and baby are doing great!! The last few days Nicole has reported that Sophia has been sleeping and eating just like she should!! ;)

Being there at the hospital all day and then getting to hold a brand new newborn was OMG amazing! Even now I cant get a hold of how cute she is and how little she is!!!! It really makes me think about our society. How can a baby that little, that precious, and that innocent grow up into a world filled with filth??

I am in school learning to be a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing, and I am loving every minute of it. These kids that I am in contact with everyday are just so precious. I can finally understand this need to shelter your children from this world. In case you guys didn't notice but its bad out there. It makes me wonder how can you keep all that filth from coming in and corrupting your child's mind. It kills me that these babies that are so impressionable grow up and go to school and who knows what is filling their heads. I would hate to see or hear my kid say something or do something that I didn't believe in. OMG!!! It sort of freaks me out. As any girl, I dream of getting married and starting my family but then I am confronted with the questions: "How are you gonna raise them?" "How are you gonna protect them from all the evil out there?" That scares me because they are getting bombard with so much information from TV, Magazines, their peers, and the school system. How do you get around that? What makes the voice of your parents stands out from the noise of the world?

Even with all that goes through my mind, I am SO EXCITED for Steve and Nicole!!! They are starting their family with a precious little girl!! As she grows up, yes they have to fight that battle with society too but I pray that they will win that war!!!


Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..


  1. you are going to be a great mommy! and an AWESOME Teacher!!! YOu are going to help kids out there who don't know who to turn to!!! Rachel Renee you are an inspiration! and I love you so very much! keep letting your light shine and looove that baby girl for us!

  2. She is a beautiful little girl, and you are very fortunate to be her auntie!
