About Me

My photo
My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another New Direction?

Wow, Its been a whirl wind over the last few months it seems. Let me try to catch you up.

Some of you might know that I did my student teaching in Houston, Mo. It was a great experience, I loved the kids, the coop, it was such a great atmosphere. I started another blog just for those updates. You, can take a look: http://houstonmoexperiences.blogspot.com/

From there I moved back home to Don and Margie's house. It was nice to be back with family. Nothing slowed down there, from birthdays, to graduation, companies and parties. I just enjoy seeing little Kezzie and Sophia grow up right before my eyes. It's amazing to be an honorary auntie to them. During this time, I was relaxing at the same time busy tying up loose ends with graduation, and applying to various jobs in MO and in CA.

Not long after I was back, I got a call from Sedalia School District for a job Interview. I was so excited, I wasn't expecting a call so fast. We set up the interview for a Friday afternoon. The interview went pretty great and I was comfortable with the panel that I interviewed with. Come Monday morning they offered me that job and wanted an answer in 48 hours. I was so excited and slightly overwhelmed at this great opportunity. This job opened doors that I wasn't quite ready to walk through so fast. After pray and a talking out the pros and the cons I was ready to take the job.
I am still trying to get all the details sorted out: buying furniture, getting my classroom supplies, making sure I am ready to take on this job. lol. When mom and dad came down to visit for graduation we made a drive to Sedalia to look around and find apartment. We went to see the school, which was nice to see what I would be doing and I met a few of the kiddos. :-) We drove around to get a feel of the town, and at the same time looking for a few apartments. We found a great little one-bedroom. It is 700 square feet with a wash machine and dyer, dishwasher, all other appliances. I will post a few pictures once I get all settled in and make it look all cute. ;-)

A little more about this job: It is a deaf educator position from preschool to 4th grade (as of now) but I will be covering up the 12th grade if any high school student that comes in. It is a public school so I will be pulling out my students out and bringing them to my classroom. So, for the most part it is one on one. I'll have to be the expert on anything that is under the umbrella of Deaf and Hard of Hearing. I officially start August 18, 2011!!!

GRADUATION: On, May 13, 2011 I graduated with my MASTERS DEGREE!!! I cant believe that the last 2 years few by so fast. I have loved, and cherished my girls that I went through this program with. I will miss them all but I know they will be such amazing teachers.

My whole department with my professors

Me... I have my masters!
My family
Kisses from my bubbas

___________________________________________________Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. I love these blogs, with the photos included as well. Such a great way to see what is going on in your life! We love you and are very proud of you!
