About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I love my friends!! Growing up I had this "Time-Table" on my friends.  I had this theory that friends would "expire" after about 4 years.  Looking back now, I guess those friends that "expired" were never really friends.  Being away from home is making me cherish my friends to a new level.  There are times when I want to run home and get back to an old routine and then there are times when I just smile because they entered my mind.

There are friends in my life that I was ready to see them leave after the 4 years.  I remember thinking when we passed our 4 year, "Anytime now." Year after year they never left.  Even though we fought hard and yes there were times when I was SURE we were gonna go different ways.  I actually have one blog that is titled, "Goodbye friend-I miss you." When I wrote that blog, I had tears in my eyes knowing for sure that was it.  Even after writing that blog 2 years ago that friend never left.  We are actually closer now, I think, then we were before.  I look at my friend now and I am so excited to know we are friends now, even though we dont really talk everyday, constantly.  I think we have learned a lot from each other in 13 years.  We still both have our hot buttons that we try to stay away I think.  I mean, its a relationship, every relationship has those topic right?  Anyways, not the point, I am glad to have this friendship.  I know that when life pushes back, my friend will be there in a spilt second, whether it is emotional or physical.  That says it all.

Then there are friends where we havent really had a fight but we talk about everything under the sun.  From small talk to relationships we have covered it all.  I really dont think any rock is left unturned.  I know this person will be there for it all too.  They have seen my tears and I have seen theirs; we have seen each other's smiles, fears, frustrations and all in between.  I love it.  It is a total trust, a place where anything that they said is worth a million dollars when it comes from them.  They are my lifeline.  I joke with them and say that they have a little recording of every little thought that comes in my head.  This friend is the 1st person that I text when I think something random enters my mind or it is something that has been eating away at me for a while.

And of course, I have those friends that we dont see each other everyday, we dont talk everyday, but when we do see each other we are back where we left off.  We catch up on work, on relationships and just have a BUNCH OF LAUGHS.  I feel like we sound like hyenas sometimes.  lol.  I love it.  Thanks to facebook and other social mediums, it helps us stay in contact more and I smile when I see their posts, status change and relationship status.

No matter what category you fall in, THANK YOU! You guys are all amazing and you hold a special place in my heart.  I have been fully blessed to know you and to call you a friend.
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget your best sister friend! :) love u bubba!
