About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

No Man's Land

Friends + Family = Home

Let me start off this blog by saying: I have been blessed to have three homes and two families.   I've had the privilege of being a part of a family who did everything they can do to put three kids though a christian education from K-12 grade and then to see that we all made it through college.  After high school and community college, I was blessed enough to go to the University of Oregon to finish my Bachelor degree and to continue my education in Missouri for my Masters degree.  

2006-2008: I attended University of Oregon and it was great.  It provided me an opportunity that every young college adult wants. I was able to leave home and experience a new state and make new friends. I loved Oregon, made actually one of my best friends there.  I spent two years there and wouldn't take back any memories. However, Oregon it was never home; it was school.  California was home.  I would go back to California during summer, Christmas, and thanksgiving (sometimes) and spring break.  I would look forward to those breaks because I missed home and school was overwhelming.  I loved being home for those breaks, even though there were times that I wanted to go back to Oregon.  I enjoyed being home for the time being.  

2009-2011: I attended Missouri State in Springfield.  During this time, as most of you know, I stayed at the Lopez's house.  I loved it here; it was perfect.  It was the Italian home away from home.  There was Don and Margie (they acted like mom and dad), there was Brian and Dana and Steve and Nicole (which was like my brothers and sisters) so much that their kids actually call me Aunty Rachel.  It was perfect: they took that home sickness away that I had in Oregon during the small holidays.  I still went home to California for summer and some Christmases.  Being in California was again great; in my mind it was still home.  I couldn't believe that I actually had two homes. When I needed a "mom" to help me out with student teaching Margie and Don stepped in.  Of course mom helped by sending some things in the mail but Margie and Don helped me find an apartment by actually driving up there with me and walking through different houses and apartments and they helped me move in.  During graduation I was honored to have both families attend my graduation and I actually had two grad parties. I even had a great set of friends that made school bearable.  Having my EDHH girls also made Springfield feel more like home. 

2011- Current:  I moved to Sedalia, MO because I accepted my 1st teaching job.  Its during this time that I feel like I am in No Man's Land.  Sedalia is two and half hours from the Lopez; and most certainly miles away from California.   It's here in Sedalia that I have an apartment and yes it is still "home" but there isn't a homey quality here yet.  My classmates that I graduated with in 2011 are spread out all over the place, either of my families are not in arm's reach anymore.  I feel like I have tunnel vision and blinders on and at the end I can only see my Job.  I enjoy my job, but even that is a bit outside my true comfort zone.  There are moments when I feel like I am just barely keeping my head above water.  Its been a struggle being here, finding my place, feeling truly at home with myself, with my job and just all around.  

I feel like I am still clenching on to the feeling of California being home and Springfield being home.  In doing so I haven't been able to let go and feel at home in my new town; and it is starting to feel like my hand is getting burned.  I feel like I am doing more damage to myself without being able to let go.  Its been a year and there is a deep longing for those times when I can "go home."  I look around here in Sedalia and I see opportunity, a great opportunity for my career, however, its lacking connection and family. Springfield and California I see connection, I see family but whats missing there is the opportunity for a job.  I just feel like I am in No Man's land because there is something missing.  I am in a mental fog.  

As I started this blog by saying that I am truly blessed by all the amazing opportunity that I have been given as of so far.  However, I am having a hard time seeing past my tunnel vision and my blinders.  I dont really know why I am writing this blog.  I was driving home from St. Louis and this blog just came to me.  

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.


  1. Hi honey this dad from California, I understand what you feel like - but let put done of your thoughts at rest - we serve a might God and when prayers are spoken with strong conviction and live for our heavenly Farther He answers- trust me on this I have had many prayers answered- so let go of the grip of what you think you need and allow Gid to take your hand - when you can't see his hands trust his heart-Rachel let go and allow God to move in your life He knows just where to make the right move for you. I love you and I know God has his grace and mercy on your life- embrace his hands and move in his direction- There is an old saying Home is where your heart is- so trust Gods heart and you will find his peace and home will be not far away !

    1. Sorry for the misspelled words I was typing on my phone

    2. Good day my dear Rachel, I love that you are authentic! I love that you allow yourself to be vulnerable! I love your heart for God and your awareness of how good He's been to you in the midst of your current uncertainty! You are beautiful! I can definately relate to some of what you shared. Letting go so you can move forward with what God has for you is one of lifes biggest challenges. Especially if we have a tight grip on what we think is ALL we really have. God wants to give you so much more!This fall,He has something new brewing for you. :)I'm excited to hear what that is. I will be praying that the fog will lift. When it does you will look up and see that you have released your hand enough that God took hold of it and you are standing in the light with Him beyond that tunnel! Baby steps Rachel. You keep moving. Someone needs you there, or you wouldn't be there in this season of your life! I love you
