About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Canty/Lopez Bond....Years in the making

For the most of you guys reading this blog, I know you have heard the population verse: "For I know the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future" Jeremiah 29:11, but have you stopped at notice. Pull up a chair and let me tell you a story.

(Now, excuse me, mom if I get the little details wrong.)

This story started when my mom, Cheryl Renee Canty, (Pica at that time) was 18 and going to the Italian church.  Mom was very active in church.  She went to church on Sundays, Wednesdays and then had volleyball on other day , etc.  With all the activities she participated in she made friends and took a bunch of people to and fro from church.  During this time, Her path crossed Margie Puglia. Margie at this time was a young adult as well, and was dating/engaged to Don Lopez.  Now, this relationship between mom and Margie expand to include Don, and my grandparents (Bernice and Nick Pica).  When Don and Margie were newly married they started to come over to Bernice and Nick's house for dinners and various get together.  The friendship between all of them kept growing.

So, now fast forward to when Margie and Don are parents with three boys: Brian, Rick and Steve Lopez and to when Cheryl and Scott are parents with three children: Crystal, Rachel and Josh.  Now, for the most part the age span between the Lopez kids and the Canty kids was just a few years.  (3 years between Steve and Crystal).  So, fairly close in age, just the next bracket up.  The years of raise three kids became busy with school, sports, extra curriculum activities.  However, I always remember Grandma or Papa talking about what was new in the Lopez family.  Occasionally, they came over for Friday night pizza, sometimes, it is was just Don and Margie and other times Brian, Rick or Steve came over.  There were times when Crystal, Josh and I were a part of these nights and other times, "Eh"  It was something that Grandma, Papa, and mom would look forward to.

Life for both of the family seems to get busier and busier.  The Friday pizza nights were dwindling.  Then slowly we got invitation to each of Brian's, Rick's and Steve's wedding.  We attended each of them after all our families had this bond that started years ago.  It was nice to see them get married.  I mean Crystal and I were loving going to weddings and we knew the grooms!

Continue to fast forward to 2008.... Margie and Don decided to move to Saddlebrooke, Missouri. During those busy years, Brian had moved to Missouri and when Don and Margie can to visit him.  They thought it was a nice place, they would be close to one of their sons.  They came by with pizza and said their goodbyes and then they headed out to Missouri. Nicole Lopez (Steve's wife) went out with them to help them.  During this trip, Nicole received a job offer in Ozark, Missouri.  This lead to Steve and Nicole moving out later that year.  Don, Margie, Brian, Dana, Steve, and Nicole were all in Missouri getting settled in.

During those busy years, The Cantys were going to school in California.  I was in school in Oregon getting my BA and deciding whats next.  In 2009, I wanted to get into a Master's program.  I was having a hard time getting into any school I applied to.  That was when mom suggested why don't I try Missouri.  She said, "Let me call up Margie to see what school is out there and what city it is in?"  I didn't think anything about it.  So, she called and Margie told her the information and said, "If she gets in she is staying with us."  Well, I applied and got in.  In summer 2010, I moved to Missouri, into Don and Margie's house.  Within days, we had a big dinner with everyone; it was Brian's birthday.  It was so nice to have everyone over: cooking, laughing, joking, googling over the baby, Keziah Lee.

I was there for two year finishing my Masters.  That relationship that started way back when my mom was 18 with Margie has blown into generations of deep friendships.

Now, its 2012, and I am working in Sedalia as a young adult and I view Brian, Dana, Steve, Nicole, Margie and Don more as family.  Their little girls and now baby Anthony all call me Auntie Rachel.  It's so nice to know that in all the years of making this relationship God must have been smiling knowing the outcome.  It is just a great overwhelming feeling of love and contentment when I make my way to Springfield.  They all mean so much, I have watched "our" family grow and the way God's fingers are just interwoven throughout everything that is out here.

So, end of story.  "For I know the plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future" Jeremiah 29:11.  That verse has a whole new meaning now.  Never, doubt! I like looking back and I am always reminded of how it started in the first place.

 Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... That always makes me smile.