About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Its November!  It is that time to stop and give Thanks.  You see it on facebook and you'll hear it around most dinner tables on Thanksgiving: People giving thanks.  It is important to give thanks, to appreciate the big and the small things around you.

I always had a problem expressing my Thanks.  I remember when I was younger dreading the "Lets go around the table and give 3 things you are thankful for" conversations.  I never really enjoyed doing that, who knows why.  I always thought it was because I wasnt good with words or maybe it seemed forced or maybe I didnt like that everyone was listening and their eyes were on me.  Whatever, the reason is I didnt like that activity.

I am now 26 years old and although I am not jumping on the bandwagon and posting a thankful status every day; I am stopping and blogging today.  It is here on my blog that I can be open and honest.  It is my way of telling you what is on my mind.


It wasn't until recently that the real meaning of Thankfulness hit me, and being thankful of what really matters.  
  • I am thankful for my parents for raising me up in a household that LOVE God; for loving me no matter what, for teaching me what is right and what is wrong; for their high expectations; for not lowering them because we fail a few times at getting them right; for putting us in christian schools and making a way for us to go to college.  
    • For my mom for teaching me how to raise my future children; for instilling that teacher mindset in me, and for always giving me the words
    • For my dad for showing me what a Man of God looks like; what a father looks like; for what a husband looks like; for working 6 days a week; for providing for us
  • I am thankful for my siblings for loving me, for putting up with my quiet temper tantrums, for supporting me; for being on my side; for sticking up for me; for being protective of anyone who looks at me wrong.  
  • I am thankful for my friends for being an ear to talk to; for being a person where I can let my hair down and be free; for having fun with me; for being a shoulder to cry on; for not judging me; for being real and honest to me; for smacking me and telling me to WAKE UP; for all those late nights where we sat up and giggled and talked about boys. 
  • I am thankful for mostly for God for his love.  I am just awed and overwhelmed by how much he loves us.  I mean have you looked at the world lately?! We are messing up left and right yet he still looks down with love in his eyes.  You know if it was us we would of given up a long time ago.  If I just look at myself, there are things I see that I even roll my eyes and think, "Oh man Rachel! You are MESSED UP!"  Yet I hear that still small voice that says, "Yes, you didn't make the best decision but do you remember the cross?  I died for that sin, I don't see you that way.  You are my daughter and I love you!  Just come back to me, and I will wrap my arms around you.  It's okay."  I see God as a combination of all the people above:  A father, who will always love me.  He is always teaching me, correcting me, giving me the examples to live by. A sibling, who is always putting up with my tantrums, and he is protective of me.  A friend, who I can be real with, cry with, there are times when he smacks me too and he knows my thoughts before I think them.  
There are many things a person can be thankful for but for me it's the last point that drove it home recently.  So, this thanksgiving, just stop and think about what you are truly thankful.  You don't have to post it on facebook, blog it or even say out loud.  God knows where your heart is; just be sincere and truthful and take the time to reflect it.  

___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.


  1. Rachel this is beautiful!!! BOY I CLEARLY REMEMBER the days you sat around the table and would not participate in giving the 3 reasons that you were thankful. So glad you are Expressing your thanks now! I will FOREVER be thankful for you!!!!!

    Love MOM

  2. Beautiful Rachel! Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you! You are so blessed to have parents who chase after God's Heart!
