About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Monday, January 21, 2013

One Year-365 Days

365 days

52 weeks

12 months

4 Seasons


Within in one year -- so many things can happen:
Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, people are hired and fired, love ones die and families grows, people move to new places or back home, homes are built and homes are destroyed, people lose weight and gain weight, there are marriages and divorces, there are good times and sad times, life fulfills us and disappointments, there's laughter and tears, self doubts and self confidences and so much more.  

I cant believe we have finished yet another year.  Every year people make new year resolutions, we look back at 2012 and we usually highlight the top 10 in all genres (music, movies, TV shows ect), we look back and remember the hard times, the loved ones that we lost and we start over.

We enter 2013 with a new pair of eyes, a new outlook and new goals.  We do this year in and year out-we  hope for the best.  

I want to leave you with these songs...
For a new perceptive for 2013 (and for the future years)
This is the perspective that I need to adopt for myself 
And I also challenge you as well.
Enjoy them...

These are the few of my favorite songs that lift me up.  

 I love the idea of the ship on its voyage through the ocean.  Growing up in California the ocean (the beach) has also been a place of beauty, relaxation.  We take it for advantage and have bonfires during sunset, tan on the beach during the summer. Its perfect.  It is a perfect example of when life is all good-when everything is going well.  

However, let's go to the other side of the state to Florida-- during hurricane season. Same ocean, Same beach however, the ocean now is a very powerful weapon it destroys homes, puts fears in the resistances there, happens all at once with little to no warring.  It is an perfect example when life decides to throw you a curve ball and you find yourself flat on your back having no idea how to get up from what just happened.  

But this song states, "God is my Rock" and that "You are the strength of my life, I can relay on you" So no matter if you are standing on the ocean shore admiring the sunset or running in fear away from the hurricane.  The Rock is still standing still-not moving.  What a great picture of GOD!   

 "I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind"  It's amazing to me to know that no matter what year it is, no matter what lies ahead or what has happened.  HE is there, HE was there, and HE will be there.  God surrounds every heart break and every blissful moment! 

___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.


  1. Well stated my friend. Lord Bless You

  2. Oh Rachel. You are such a smart girl. You have a GREAT head on your shoulders and I am proud to call you my sister. No matter where you are or where you go, i'll always have your back! xoxoxo
    <3 your sister
