About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Faith Workout

A lot of us know how to workout our bodies.  We get a lot of information from TV, magazines, books and even friends.  We can almost call us "pros" and knowing what we should do in working out but I dont know about you but I don't like working out.  Each week I re-commit myself to go to the gym 5 days a week and really on a good week I'll make it to the gym 3 days a week (if I am lucky).  I know I have to work out to get the body I want.  To get that, oh so desired, flat stomach, toned arms and legs and a butt that can bounce a quarter off of.  Working out hurts all over, NO MATTER WHAT I DO.

However, do you know how to workout your faith.  One of the devotions, I read this month was called "Building You Faith Muscle"  when I read that I was intrigued and totally thought: "Yes, that is what I need to do right now" The devotion talks about that just how we exercise we put tension on our muscles so we can get strong; we need to workout our faith muscle.  It went on saying that difficulty brings tension and its during those times when our faith gets stronger.  It ends with a scripture and a prayer.

  • "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
  • The prayer: "Lord, help me to change the pattern of using my limited strength in trying to eliminate the difficulties and suffering in my life, and turn it over to you to build up my faith muscle.  You are my strength.  Thank you for using those hardship to increase my faith in you."

This last nine months, I have been mauling over the idea of moving back to California.  The idea started back when I moved back for the summer.  I was in charged of the summer school for the whole district.  I was disappointed that I had to end my summer a whole month early.  It started in July and went for 3 weeks and school started just shortly after that.  I struggled this year mentally, spiritually and physically with keeping up at school. Don't get me wrong! I love my school, my students and my coworkers.  Somehow, my eyes were constantly filled with tears and I was finding myself lacking motivation in everything.  I found myself craving my family in Springfield and everything little break I flew home.  I couldnt get home fast enough.  Then at Christmas time, I wanted to run home to California.  I was able to come home for christmas and enjoyed every moment.  However, I was incredibly sad when I had to come back from California.

As soon as I came back from Christmas, I started to really forcing myself to decide.  My "lovely" type A personally made a pros and cons list: pros and Cons for staying in MO and pros and cons for heading back home to CA.  I gathered advice from various people about staying and just trying to get back to a healthy state of myself.  It has been two years that I have truly felt complete.

However, this decision took a toll on me.  Once I decided to come home to CA there was something that made me change it back to just stay in Sedalia and visa versa.  It would happen almost hourly everyday.  I would text my mom every time I would swing the other way.  I am sure I drove her crazy. It was hard.  To the point where the moment I had to indicate my decision on January 25, 2013-I still felt like I needed more time.  I ended up giving my notice and saying that I wouldn't return back next year.

However, if i thought I had a faith workout already--I think that was just the warm up.  There is so much more that I am walking into that I dont know about moving home.  There is the job aspect-I have applied to many and I am hopeful on a few but no one has really given me a 100% positive thumb up.  There is the aspect of being home after 4 years of being away.  My parents have assured me that it wont be a problem, it still makes me nervous.  I am happy to be home with family I have missed them a lot.  I will miss being my MO family.  My mom told me "What decision would have make if there was no fear?"And honestly it is coming back home.  Again with my "lovely" type A personality I want to know what is next and what will happen before I make my decision.

I am starting to learn that if I do that I will have a very weak faith muscle.  I started this blog saying that I dont like to workout and really dont like working out my faith muscle.  After all we all know that God's timing is not our timing.  Oh Wow,  I am getting my work out but I know I have to do this so I can have a strong faith muscle this way I can teach my children how to have one as well.

Waiting for those "brighter days" and a "strong faith muscle"

Love that fact that no matter what we are not too far from God's reach

So, Lord!  Let's do this!! I don't like being in the gym but I would rather have you for my trainer than anyone else.  I leave you again with a few songs and a challenge.  "Have you gotten your Faith workout?"

___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.


  1. Dear Rachel,
    You have asked for God's direction and are feeling a Peace with Your decision. Now You get to walk it out in faith, one footprint at a time. With God's hand in Yours, You have nothing to fear. This is how our Faith grows, by growing our Faith. Be Blessed and REST in HIM.
    Sharon Piccari

  2. Dear sweet Rachel,
    We are so proud of you and relationship with the best Trainer we could have. Faith is an interesting thing. When we know that God is good, and we trust that, it makes it easier to take those steps of faith. We are excited for your new adventure!

  3. It's all a moment by moment journey. The fact that you include Christ in your journey makes it a win win situation! God bless you as you take the next steps in faith! I love you!
