About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wedding Bells

Last time, I sat down to write a blog I was just moved down and I had a lot of doubts about my new life here.  Well, with in this year a lot of exciting things have been happening.

The biggest thing that has happened is that I AM ENGAGED TO MICHEAL HERRERA. 

Most of this news shocked a lot people on facebook, which is understandable because I havent been so vocal in been dating Micheal.  A lot of people didnt know I was seeing anyone.  I'll give you a little recap of how Micheal and I became where we are now.

In the beginning of 2011, I started causally talking to Micheal Herrera.  We exchanged phone numbers via facebook and it just started wishing each other a "Happy New Year."  We talked all of 2011 and when I came home in summer of 2011 we saw each other a little bit.  It was still a new relationship and a long distance one at that.  So that first summer, it was an interesting one.  There was awkward moments and fun moments.  I was only in town for about 7 weeks and we only got to see each other a little bit.  I was busy with family and friends that everyone wanted me to see.  I returned back kind of unknowing how Micheal and I stood.  However, we continued to talk over the rest of the year.  During this year, Micheal and I became closer.  I didnt think that was possible because of the long distance.  However, during this year, it became clear that no matter what happened I can count on him and he can count on me.

I came back home in Christmas 2011, and I only saw Micheal like once that time because we were so busy with Christmas.  I was only in town for 10 days and it was really hard to see him again.  I flew back and we entered 2012.

In 2012, Micheal and I continued to talk more and more and we grew closer.  My feelings for Micheal kept on growing.  I really battled them because apart of me didnt believe that I was falling for him.  However, the more we talked, the more we battled our daily lives, the more I know I could count on him.  He was the person I wanted to tell everything too and wanted to start my day with.  I began to notice that my day consisted of thoughts of him and conversations with him.  The year 2012 keep going on and my relationship with Micheal continued to grow more and more.

I flew down at Christmas 2012, and Micheal was so kind and help me come down to surprise my family.  I didnt think I would be able to come down but Micheal knew I needed a break from Missouri and helped me come down. When I flew down, Micheal and I went to see his family.  This was the first time I was going to met them.  I was nervous of how they would react to me coming.  However, they were so welcoming and so nice to me.  I loved being there during Christmas.  They showered me with gifts that I didnt except and they were very kind to me.  It was during my trip down here that I couldnt hide my feeling for Micheal any more.  I knew I loved him.  So many things happened during the last two years and Micheal was the one that was there for all of it.  It was during this trip that we used the words, "I love you"  I remember when they came out of my mouth.  It was such a weird feeling because I havent loved anyone other than my family and my friends but this was different.

However, 2012 ended with us breaking up.  Things were a bit rocky and even though we loved each other, we felt that maybe it was better if we split.

As you can imagine 2013, was a rough start.  I went back to Sedalia teaching and my heart wasnt in it anymore.  I continued on like I was fine but I honestly had a hard time with the way things ended in 2012.  However, a few weeks later, I get a text message from Micheal again.  Almost acting like nothing happened.  I was relieved because I missed talking to him everyday.  I tried to stay ahead of my feeling again but the more we talked the more I realized that my feeling for him never went away.  I knew I loved him with all I had.  However, I was trying not to let him know that.  In Spring of 2013, I was faced with the decision to come home or to stay again.  It was a hard decision as some of you guys read in earlier blogs.  I tried to make my decision not based on Micheal's and mine relationship.  I didnt know how to gage it anymore.  I love him but things were still on rocky ground.  So, I made the decision to come home and be happy with whatever happens with our relationship.  In the weeks of coming home.  We find out that Crystal and Geoff are pregnant and that I will be an auntie.

During the summer months, we focus on crystal getting ready for the baby and throwing her parties and showers.  During this time, Micheal and I are still talking and trying to get our relationship back to where we had it.  We saw each other occasionally and talked daily.  I knew I lost the battle of staying ahead of my feelings.  I kept falling deep and deeper for him although I was trying to hide it but I think he caught on.  We ended 2013 and I was unsure how he felt about me.

2014 began and I still was unsure about where Micheal and I were going.  I knew I loved him and I wanted to be in his life but I didnt know if he felt the same. However, one day I was going about my business and I get a text message from him saying that he wants me in his life and that he loved me very much.  You can guess what my reaction was.  I told him that I loved him too and that I have always loved him.  From that day, I know something switched in him.  I knew over the years that we have been talking that there was something real we had.  We both had to figure it out on our own and understand it in a way that we could.  I think we both fought the feeling that we loved each other because we were afraid of what that ment if it didtnt work out.  However, through the course of the years, we knew that it was the other person that wasnt gonna give up on us.  Every big thing we were eagar to tell each other and that we wanted that person in our life.

From there, we decided to get married. Micheal and I want a small wedding with our closest family there.  We started to think of venues and days and the venue we wanted was available June 22, 2014 and his best friend was going to be in town that week before moving to Sweden.  So we will be getting married June 22, 2014.  I am so happy to have Micheal in my life and to become his wife.  He is a great guy and we are happy to start our lives together.

 Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.

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