About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Plan ABCDEFG... ?? Who has that many plans?

Almost a year later after receiving my BA, is life where I wanted it to be?? Far from it in a way....

It started in beginning of Senior Year (of college that is, 2008). I was gonna apply for my masters, finish my BA degree and then get an apartment and go straight into my masters, after all I was a shoo in.. I had two degrees and I was fluent in Sign Language! Plan A

I soon realized that plan a was not for me! I graduated and had a party, right at the peek of it all I was asked the question, "WHATS NEXT?!" oh crap!!! I forgot to have a plan b... As I quickly, BSed my way through Plan B... which was... Get a job at a school district then get my masters!

Sounded like a great plan b right! Came to realized that I didnt make the cut! I needed my masters for that plan to work! SO....WHATS NEXT?! I for sure didnt have a plan c.. I didnt think I was gonna get rejected twice! So... I decided I needed a Plan C, which was to go to school... take a few classes that I have always wanted to take, study for my GEDs and get my masters!

Oh yea! Did I tell you that I was burnt out of going to school?! I didnt want to study, read or even pay attention! plan c was getting further and further away from my check off list! However, I finished that semester off! Christmas break was here! okay, thats great! but WHAT NEXT when thats over?! So, I went to my parents and asked them that same question that I asked myself, whats next?! It was in union, "Take 12 units of classes!" I thought to myself "again! I dont want to" As I was about to take the walk ashamed with my tail between my legs. As our good friend Esther, who just got this great job, decided to share the info with me! Plan D was here to save my life! YEAH!

I called first steps for kids and they informed to call back in a few weeks! Okay, I thought, I can do that! Did that... got the interview.. it went very well! Came back fully committed to plan d! On the parent front, I hit some muddy waters! What happens if I miss read all the signals and I was wrong and I wasnt gonna get the job (it wasnt 100% confirmed yet) go back to school "just in case" okay... I signed up for my classes and even started them! First Steps got back to me and it was 100% YES!!! YEAH!! SO NOW WHAT?! drop all my classes and be part-time with no health insurance? or have a full load and a job? then I will be burnt out! So, I opted for dropping all my classes calling this Plan E

In the meantime of all these plans, I still had my hopes on my masters! So, I applied to Missouri State and Redlands! My hopes were high! Someone had to see potential in me and accept me! I had TWO DEGREES! one is sign language and one is speech and my background was with kids!!! I had to jump off the page, right?!

Now... I am working waiting to hear from these schools! Redlands came back first, REJECTED! awe crap! but I still have one more out!! "please please! Come on!" Missouri came back REJECTED!! awe S***! there goes my Plan F so I continued with my job!

A few weeks later the dean of Missouri called me saying, that my application stood out and he wanted to pass my application over to deaf and hard of hearing program! "Finally! I stood out to someone!" however, by now I had so many rejections over the last year (master from 2008, school districts and master from 2009) I had a low low expectation of this one working! I told the dean, "sure, why not?!" I mean whats the worst that can happen, I dont get in (AGAIN!) big deal!

So about a week past and the mail came! Oh no! I thought as I stared at the envelope "Missouri State University!" I know I didnt get in! Come on... I havent been successful for a whole year it wont start now... I just got a job!! I opened the envelope! "CONGRATULATIONS, welcome to Missouri State University Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program!" I had to of pinch myself! I couldnt believe it! I got in! How?!

After 6 plans, I got in! I got in to a masters program! I really gave up that dream around plan d and now it is here PLAN G! A Master's Program!

It is a dream?! Can I really get my Masters??

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..


  1. Congrats Rachel!!! How exciting for you.

  2. YES YOU CAN!!! YOU CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS YOU!!!!! i know it was a hard road but look at you!!! you did it! yes... you did all those plans. and now....plan G sounds good to me. cause then one of my plans... whichever letter that might be can be to get a horse?! and you can help me with that one! haha don't worry little bubba. it will all work out. it has to right? i love you tons!
