About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mirrors! What do you look like?

Lately, I have been feeling like I am coexisting in two different worlds! One world occurs on sunday, from 10:00 am - 11:00 am, the other world occurs through out rest of the week! 

On sunday, I noticed that life seems so "picture perfect" I get up, get ready for church by putting my best clothes on, then on to church.. Great worship great sermon... then the dismissal... Life seems to fit in both the logical and the emotional aspect.  I am all ready to have a great rest of the week.  I have listen to the sermon and "it totally spoke to me." I am all ready to take life by the horns because life is great.  I have re-dedicated my goals to the Lord and I feel all warm inside...

Then... the dismissal... 

I leave with my new goals in mind, and my heart renewed.... however.... that mindset doesn't stand the chance when the back door swings open!  I automatically rethink my new goals. They suddenly don't make sense in my logical mind.  I end up tweaking them ever-so-slightly so they can make sense.  However, by the time saturday rolls around... my goals are not even close to accomplished and they look completely different. 

Then it is sunday again and.....

I am right back in church making the same goals all over again just to tweak them as soon as the pastor says "you are dismissed" and the CYCLE STARTS ALL OVER!

James 1:22-24 actually deals with the same issue.. "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

So... how do you stop the cycle? 

Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..

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