About Me

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My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Shadows of the past that still affects the future

This blog is different kinds of poems that I wrote years ago that I forgot about it. Today, I was talking to a friend and complaining and she encouraged me to stand firm.. As I was talking to her, I was reminded of these poems that I wrote. So I looked them up because I need to hear them again; so I am blogging these poems so I can reread them time and time again.. So people can hear my voice instead of being snuffed out and having them on a external hard drive put away in a drawer.

I lost my best friend.

I have search high and low,

Here and there,

And still there is no sign of him.

With every passing day,

I hope, I wish

That he’ll come back.

I lost my spirit

I have search high and low,

Here and there,

And still there is no sign of it.

He took my spirit with him.

I want both of them back.

With every passing day,

I lose more hope of finding them.

Should I give up for good?

Restart my life, and forget about them?

But that doesn't seem right.

Can I live without them?


July 22, 2005



By Rachel Canty

Most of my memories include you

Middle school memories:

From the time we meet

To eight grade graduation.


High school memories:

From the dances

To the games

All the way till we walked down the aisle.

My memories also include

Our birthdays, holidays and family get-together.

Now it is time for me

To put those memories in a box

And seal it up.

Now it is time for me

To make new memories

Memories with other people

And not with you.

Now it is time to say



Now you are


March 5, 2006


In this poem search, I found 9 poems that have a similar theme. A theme of moving on and letting go of the past.. Instead of boring my 5 readers to death with all of these sad, pathetic poems.. I only posted two: two of my favorites; the ones I thought summarized the 7 others. LOL..
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile..

1 comment:

  1. Good for you rach! I know letting go is hard but it will make you a stronger person! Hold on tight! I know you will be fine.... You have me! Xoxo by the way this is bubba! I'm on my iPhone and can't log into my account
