Well, my Little angel... Life has gotten a bit crazy and I havent gotten a chance to sit down and written a blog since you were 11 months. Alot has happened..,
One thing..... You TURNED ONE YEAR OLD!!! I cant believe one year has passed since you came into our lives. You are such a doll, an angel, to us. We celebrated your birthday at Aunt Misty's house. A little low key with the all your cousins and family. You were such a lady when eating your cake. you were unsure at first but after the first bite you went in but didnt get a speck on your outfit.
Also in December, Grandpa FINALLY came home from the hospital on Christmas Eve. You became a big cousin to twins on that same day. As, Grandpa was coming home Auntie was going in to have the twins: Abigail and Ethan. Papa Nick was home not feeling the greatest but you enjoyed getting to know his nurses. You are such a good big cousin. You love on them and constantly giving them kisses.
In February, Papa passed away. You didnt quite know what to do about it. You knew something was different and Gandma and I talked to you about where papa is now. We converted Papa's room into your new room and fixed your room into the baby's room. You transistioned nicely into that room. Grandma still helps with bedtime. Now that you are older you are doing better but you still awake up a few times at night.
In April, We welcomed your little sister home, CALYNN MARIE BENITA HERRERA. You are such a good big sister. You love her so much!!! Constantly loving on her, kissing her hugging her and teaching her all what you know. You teach her sign, colors, animals.. ect.
You are 19 months and just amaze your mom and dad daily. You are starting your "two year old" fits though. Daddy and I are trying to figure out how to deal with them, but you are a pretty good girl. You love all your cousins so much. You know over 100 signs and learn more almost daily & you are talking and attempting to say so many more words.
I dont know what lies ahead but I am so glad that I am your mommy.
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The Middle Canty
Welcome to my Blog..... Here's my thoughts on various things that are on my mind and updates with what is going on with my Life. Enjoy reading it. It is 100% just me so take it or leave it I hope you find out something you never knew about me before! :-)
About Me
- Rachel Herrera
- My name is Rachel, I have two silly sibling, one older sister and one younger brother. I have graduated from University of Oregon with my BA in commicative disorder and I have graduated from Missouri State Unierstity with my Masters in Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Currently, I am a Deaf Ed teacher in Missouri. I am enjoying the ups and downs of teaching.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Thursday, November 5, 2015
11 Months: Standing
This month has been a busy one. This month both grandpa and papa had medical issues that had to be addressed. However, We started this month with Uncle Josh's birthday. Although, he is in Oregon, we did wished him a happy birthday by wearing one of your "Uncle's No. 1" shirt and mommy made homemade gnocchi for him. That same weekend we drove up to Maga and Papa's house to say Hi and to hang out that weekend with them. You are getting so big and we dont see them enough. On October 6th... We went to Dr. Signh to hear the heart beat and to see your brother or sister. Baby Jelly bean was moving around so fast that it took a while to hear the heart beat but we finally did. On October 10, We had you dedicated at church, Pastor Gary prayed over you. Maga, papa. aunt Adrianne, aunt Misty and all your cousins came to celebrate with you as well as grandma, grandpa, papa, auntie Crystal, uncle Geoff and Jace. We also celebrated Alondra as we attended her wedding to JP on October 23. We ended the month with Halloween!! It was your first Halloween. You were a little zebra!! The cutest zebra ever!! We went "trick or treating" at the hospital so grandpa and grandma could see you and cousin. Then we went to the fall festival at church. We had some dinner and daddy won one game for you!! You are still too little to fully enjoy Halloween and candy so we didnt stay long, although you enjoyed crawling around on the floor over there.
Around October 12, grandpa became sick and went to his doctor and then ended up in the ER and the hospital. Grandpa was very sick and was bleeding. Grandma went back and forth from the hospital and home. Grandpa is still in the hospital now. He's been in there for about 3 weeks. The doctors thought they solved the problems but he is still bleeding so the doctors are still trying to figure out whats going on. In the course of us dealing with grandpa, papa also has been declining. He went in the to ER on October 26 cause he was bleeding. The doctor found out why he was bleeding and now papa is home but we have a nurse here with him 24/7 to help him. People have been coming out to visit grandpa and papa so we have had a lot of people in and out of the house. Mommy also been having pain on my right side. So, I had to get that checked out. We first thought it was my gallbladder but it turns out that is healthy so, we dont know why I am having this pain. Mommy and daddy have been trying to hold down the fort at home while grandma runs back and forth between Grandpa, papa and the house.
On October 16, you got a flu shot. Then just a few days later you got a fever and a cough. The fever lasted about 5 days but the cough is still lingering. Its getting better, you aren't coughing as much but mommy can hear it in your lungs now when you breathe. We are going to the doctor soon.
You started to stand up alone on October 13th and then the next day you started to take a few steps all by yourself. You are now up to about 7-8 steps all by yourself. You love walking towards mommy. You are climbing and so curious about everything.
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___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
10 Months: Taking Steps
Last month, I blogged that we sold our condo and it has been one month since we moved into Grandma and Grandpa's house. This month has mostly been about getting you settled here and getting use to this being our new home. Not too much has been going on. We celebrated mommy's birthday this month by having dinner and cake. The first weekend Sept 4-6, we did a little construction to your room. Grandma put a door in the wall between mommy and daddy's room and your room. We still struggle A LOT with your sleeping schedule. So, this way both grandma and mommy have access to your room. You were first in mommy and daddy's room in the crib but you would wake up every time mommy or daddy would turn over at night. We werent getting any sleep. So, Cindy and Ruben came down and helped us put a door in the wall. So you are in your own room, in your own crib and grandma can come help in and help mommy at night. You still wake up about 4-5 times a night but grandma helps alot and she calls me in if she is unable to put you down or I go in around 5:00am for a morning feeding. Also, Mommy started her Phonics classes this month. Daddy watches you on Monday mornings and Grandma watches you on Thursday's mornings. Thursday's are usually a day when cousin comes over!! YOU LOVE YOUR COUSIN!! You scream and squeal every time you see him, it's so cute. We also celebrated grandma and grandpa's anniversary on Sept 15th. Aunty and Mommy made them a simple dinner and we decorated the table.
This month, we also are dealing with Papa (nick) being sick. It's mostly a day by day situation. Some days he is feeling good and other days he feeling really bad. That said, people have been coming by to see him and since we are living here, they see you too. You love your papa, you climb up and like him to read to you. You and Jace have climbed up in his arms a few times so he can read to you guys. He has also enjoyed seeing you grow. Regina has come by; Darlene stopped by a number of times, Pam McLaughlin and Christa Jaggers came by too. We wanted to go up and see Maga and papa one weekend but we had to turn around because mommy's car started to overheat and have problems. We plan on going up next month.

We went to see Dr. Winnie twice this month. The first time, we went to see her because you had a high fever. Your fever was around 102 for a few days, we gave you medicine and tried to cool your off. However, it only lasted a few hours and then it would spike. So, we took you to the doctor. She examined you and couldnt find anything else what was wrong. She told us to monitor you and if it doesnt break in a few days come back. It finally broke the day after the doctor. Then we when we went back for your 9 month check up. She asked about your fever and said it must of been a virus. Your 9 month check up when great. Doctor was happy with your progress and gave you a clean bill of health. No shots this month!!
You are moving faster and faster every day. Grandma has a little alligator walker that you love to use and walk from one side of the house to the other side. When we first put you on you were a little unsure of it but now you are walking so fast with it. You are also crawling faster and faster. You have learned how to use your walker to get somewhere and then your transfer to the toys. You are also starting to babble more and more you say, "ma ma ma" alot. It sounds like you are calling me. You love to talk at the dinner table, especially if mommy is talking to someone else. You like to interrupt and talk over me. It's too cute!! You are also starting to climb but mommy and daddy tell you, "no climbing" but that doesnt stop you. We catch you climbing on books, pillows, and even one morning you tried climbing from mommy's bed to the changing table. You delight us every day; we cant get enough of you. I cant believe that in just two short months you will be turning 1 year!!!! Where did the time go?!
This month, we also are dealing with Papa (nick) being sick. It's mostly a day by day situation. Some days he is feeling good and other days he feeling really bad. That said, people have been coming by to see him and since we are living here, they see you too. You love your papa, you climb up and like him to read to you. You and Jace have climbed up in his arms a few times so he can read to you guys. He has also enjoyed seeing you grow. Regina has come by; Darlene stopped by a number of times, Pam McLaughlin and Christa Jaggers came by too. We wanted to go up and see Maga and papa one weekend but we had to turn around because mommy's car started to overheat and have problems. We plan on going up next month.

We went to see Dr. Winnie twice this month. The first time, we went to see her because you had a high fever. Your fever was around 102 for a few days, we gave you medicine and tried to cool your off. However, it only lasted a few hours and then it would spike. So, we took you to the doctor. She examined you and couldnt find anything else what was wrong. She told us to monitor you and if it doesnt break in a few days come back. It finally broke the day after the doctor. Then we when we went back for your 9 month check up. She asked about your fever and said it must of been a virus. Your 9 month check up when great. Doctor was happy with your progress and gave you a clean bill of health. No shots this month!!
You are moving faster and faster every day. Grandma has a little alligator walker that you love to use and walk from one side of the house to the other side. When we first put you on you were a little unsure of it but now you are walking so fast with it. You are also crawling faster and faster. You have learned how to use your walker to get somewhere and then your transfer to the toys. You are also starting to babble more and more you say, "ma ma ma" alot. It sounds like you are calling me. You love to talk at the dinner table, especially if mommy is talking to someone else. You like to interrupt and talk over me. It's too cute!! You are also starting to climb but mommy and daddy tell you, "no climbing" but that doesnt stop you. We catch you climbing on books, pillows, and even one morning you tried climbing from mommy's bed to the changing table. You delight us every day; we cant get enough of you. I cant believe that in just two short months you will be turning 1 year!!!! Where did the time go?!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
9 Months: Cruising
This month has been super busy but that hasn't fazed you; you go with the flow and you are still learning and doing more and more each day.
This month started when Daddy and I decided that we wanted to put our condo up for sale. We enjoyed being there for the last few years but it was time to move and we want to start thinking about getting a house. At the beginning of August we started to de-clutter the house as our agent wanted to come out and take photos to put the house online. Grandma came over a few days to help watch you as I packed up. Also, August 4th, we saw aunt lil and Nicole Lopez and the family for a few hours. August 8th, we unfortunately went to Aunt Sue's funeral. She was your grand aunt; she was married to your grand uncle Michael. It was nice to see the family but it was sad to say goodbye to another family member. Also, that day we went to aunt Misty's house to celebrate Daddy's birthday. We also took Mya and Roman back to the condo cause they were gonna stay with us for the next week. During this time, our condo was up for sell and we had to keep it spic and span so we could show it to other people. August 10, we went to Disneyland again. Daddy, showed us all the hidden places to get all the yummy food. August 11, was daddy's birthday! He had a BIG birthday this year. We were told that the condo SOLD!!! We were so excited, we had 25 days to get packed up and get out of the house. We are gonna stay at grandma's house for the next year or so, as we save up some more money for a house. The next few weeks, we were busy packing up the house as well as doing everything else. You meet David Alexander, mom's friend. We went out to a special dinner on August 18th for daddy's birthday. On August 22, We went to uncle Angel's birthday party and celebrated with him with all your daddy's cousins and auntie and uncles. Also, at the end of the month, we went to Alondra's bridal shower at aunties misty's house and mommy started working on August 24.
You are getting smarter and smarter everyday. This month, you said your first word on August 6th. Grandma and I were sitting down feeding lunch and you signed and said, "All Done." At first grandma and looked at each other wondering if we just heard what we thought we heard. Then you signed and said it again. On the way home, I told your daddy. He thought you just were imitating the sounds but later that day at dinner you said it again. Daddy turned around and said, "I heard that! She just said, 'all done.'" The next few days we wanted you to say again and again but you would only say it when you want to. You started to dance this month. Daddy was playing his records one day and you were cruising around and then you suddenly stop and started to dance with daddy. It was so cute. You dance all the time now.
Naps and sleeping are still an on going battle. We are hoping that when we are at grandma's house you will do better. No more traveling between home and grandma's house. Other than that, you are a complete angel and you amaze me so much. I cant get enough of your sweet little face.
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This month started when Daddy and I decided that we wanted to put our condo up for sale. We enjoyed being there for the last few years but it was time to move and we want to start thinking about getting a house. At the beginning of August we started to de-clutter the house as our agent wanted to come out and take photos to put the house online. Grandma came over a few days to help watch you as I packed up. Also, August 4th, we saw aunt lil and Nicole Lopez and the family for a few hours. August 8th, we unfortunately went to Aunt Sue's funeral. She was your grand aunt; she was married to your grand uncle Michael. It was nice to see the family but it was sad to say goodbye to another family member. Also, that day we went to aunt Misty's house to celebrate Daddy's birthday. We also took Mya and Roman back to the condo cause they were gonna stay with us for the next week. During this time, our condo was up for sell and we had to keep it spic and span so we could show it to other people. August 10, we went to Disneyland again. Daddy, showed us all the hidden places to get all the yummy food. August 11, was daddy's birthday! He had a BIG birthday this year. We were told that the condo SOLD!!! We were so excited, we had 25 days to get packed up and get out of the house. We are gonna stay at grandma's house for the next year or so, as we save up some more money for a house. The next few weeks, we were busy packing up the house as well as doing everything else. You meet David Alexander, mom's friend. We went out to a special dinner on August 18th for daddy's birthday. On August 22, We went to uncle Angel's birthday party and celebrated with him with all your daddy's cousins and auntie and uncles. Also, at the end of the month, we went to Alondra's bridal shower at aunties misty's house and mommy started working on August 24.
You are getting smarter and smarter everyday. This month, you said your first word on August 6th. Grandma and I were sitting down feeding lunch and you signed and said, "All Done." At first grandma and looked at each other wondering if we just heard what we thought we heard. Then you signed and said it again. On the way home, I told your daddy. He thought you just were imitating the sounds but later that day at dinner you said it again. Daddy turned around and said, "I heard that! She just said, 'all done.'" The next few days we wanted you to say again and again but you would only say it when you want to. You started to dance this month. Daddy was playing his records one day and you were cruising around and then you suddenly stop and started to dance with daddy. It was so cute. You dance all the time now.
Naps and sleeping are still an on going battle. We are hoping that when we are at grandma's house you will do better. No more traveling between home and grandma's house. Other than that, you are a complete angel and you amaze me so much. I cant get enough of your sweet little face.
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Monday, August 10, 2015
8 Months: Crawling
Another month flown by and I find myself sitting in front of the computer updating everything you did this month. Each month, you do something new and just blow your daddy and I out of the water. You are such an amazing girl and I am so happy you are in our lives.
This month started off with the everyone celebrating 4th of July. This year, was your first one and we were at Auntie's house to celebrate. Auntie's block has a block party and everyone shoots off fireworks. We started off at grandma's house with having a bbq and then when it was dark we went to see the fireworks at auntie's house. I thought you would be fussy cause it was way past your "bedtime" and I didnt know if the fireworks would scare you. However, you did okay. You clung on to mommy the whole time. You were so tired but just held on to me. When you heard the fireworks go off your grasp got just a little tighter but you didn't cry or scream. On July 5th we went up to see Maga, Papa, Aunt Adrianne and all your cousins. They just love you to death!! Lucia and Santiago loves just playing peek-a-boo with you. Lucia was sharing all her toys with you too. On July 11 and July 25th we went to two of your daddy's cousins baby shower. Cousin Erika's baby shower was on the July 11 and cousin Dani was on July 25th.. All your daddy's aunties were there on both showers and they enjoyed loving on you as well. They were holding you and loving you as well. Mommy went to the gym a few times as well this month. Some days grandma watched you and others you were in the Kids Club at the gym. Grandpa was pretty sick this month as well and was in the hospital a few days. We went to see him and we brought him lunch. Grandpa is doing much better now, he ended up having a virus that ran it course for more than 6 weeks or so. Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole came down for a weekend when grandpa wasnt feeling good. It was nice to see them since the wedding. On July 16, grandma had a doctor appointment with Dr. Signh and we went to see her. Dr. Signh was your doctor when you were in mommy's tummy. The office was so glad to see you. The nurses held you and was so impressed to see how big you've grown. On the weekend of July 18 and 19th we had some family days. On July 18th we had dinner with the whole Salon. On July 19th, everyone drove up to Cindy's house and had a family day there. You, mommy, daddy and grandma all swam in the pool. You love the water and enjoyed swimming in there. Mommy starts her part-time work next month, August 24th, so grandma watched you as I had a meeting at Journey of faith. Grandma is gonna watch you on day when mommy is at work so she was watching you on July 22 to see how you will do without mommy there. We end them month with putting up our condo for sell. We want to move down closer to daddy's work so we spent the last week cleaning and de-cluttering the house so our realtor can list it.
You are getting stronger and stronger as the days and weeks go by. You are pulling yourself up with ease now and in many more places and by yourself. Last month when you first started to pull yourself up you need some help with mommy and daddy but now for the most part you can do it all by yourself. You are also now learning how to go from standing to sitting and back to standing again. You also started to "army crawl" everywhere now. It is the cutest thing!! You crawl with gusto down the hall, in the kitchen and toward the backdoor. You are just starting to get on all fours but you haven't quite figure out how to crawl in that position. You almost get on all fours when you want to stand up. You have started to stand up by yourself for a few seconds. You almost don't know what you are doing but as soon as you realize that you aren't holding on to anything you sit down and start to crawl again.
You have been signing "all done" and "dog" for about a month or so now. I love watching you sign it makes mommy so proud. This month we have started to learn "bath," "food/eat" and "sleep" You also know the sign "more" but you haven't signed it constantly yet though. You are loving food and will eat about anything we put in front of you. This month you've tried tamales. You enjoyed them, I cant wait till you try Maga's tamales during christmas! They are so good!!!
You are taking longer naps now. Your naps can range from an hour to about two hours now and you can take about two good naps. Some days you don't sleep well and still need three naps a day. At night, what can I say, things haven't changed much. I don't know why I am still trying to get you to conform whatever "they" say. I need to start just trusting me and going by what you need. You'll get it soon enough, you are a smart girl.
Well baby girl, I am falling in love with you more and more. You are doing so much and I love your new independent mentality. However, you still know where mommy is at all times and I love when you come up to me and need me at the same time. I love when you bury your head into my shoulders and my chest. Well baby girl, on to next month!!!
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This month started off with the everyone celebrating 4th of July. This year, was your first one and we were at Auntie's house to celebrate. Auntie's block has a block party and everyone shoots off fireworks. We started off at grandma's house with having a bbq and then when it was dark we went to see the fireworks at auntie's house. I thought you would be fussy cause it was way past your "bedtime" and I didnt know if the fireworks would scare you. However, you did okay. You clung on to mommy the whole time. You were so tired but just held on to me. When you heard the fireworks go off your grasp got just a little tighter but you didn't cry or scream. On July 5th we went up to see Maga, Papa, Aunt Adrianne and all your cousins. They just love you to death!! Lucia and Santiago loves just playing peek-a-boo with you. Lucia was sharing all her toys with you too. On July 11 and July 25th we went to two of your daddy's cousins baby shower. Cousin Erika's baby shower was on the July 11 and cousin Dani was on July 25th.. All your daddy's aunties were there on both showers and they enjoyed loving on you as well. They were holding you and loving you as well. Mommy went to the gym a few times as well this month. Some days grandma watched you and others you were in the Kids Club at the gym. Grandpa was pretty sick this month as well and was in the hospital a few days. We went to see him and we brought him lunch. Grandpa is doing much better now, he ended up having a virus that ran it course for more than 6 weeks or so. Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole came down for a weekend when grandpa wasnt feeling good. It was nice to see them since the wedding. On July 16, grandma had a doctor appointment with Dr. Signh and we went to see her. Dr. Signh was your doctor when you were in mommy's tummy. The office was so glad to see you. The nurses held you and was so impressed to see how big you've grown. On the weekend of July 18 and 19th we had some family days. On July 18th we had dinner with the whole Salon. On July 19th, everyone drove up to Cindy's house and had a family day there. You, mommy, daddy and grandma all swam in the pool. You love the water and enjoyed swimming in there. Mommy starts her part-time work next month, August 24th, so grandma watched you as I had a meeting at Journey of faith. Grandma is gonna watch you on day when mommy is at work so she was watching you on July 22 to see how you will do without mommy there. We end them month with putting up our condo for sell. We want to move down closer to daddy's work so we spent the last week cleaning and de-cluttering the house so our realtor can list it.
You are getting stronger and stronger as the days and weeks go by. You are pulling yourself up with ease now and in many more places and by yourself. Last month when you first started to pull yourself up you need some help with mommy and daddy but now for the most part you can do it all by yourself. You are also now learning how to go from standing to sitting and back to standing again. You also started to "army crawl" everywhere now. It is the cutest thing!! You crawl with gusto down the hall, in the kitchen and toward the backdoor. You are just starting to get on all fours but you haven't quite figure out how to crawl in that position. You almost get on all fours when you want to stand up. You have started to stand up by yourself for a few seconds. You almost don't know what you are doing but as soon as you realize that you aren't holding on to anything you sit down and start to crawl again.

You are taking longer naps now. Your naps can range from an hour to about two hours now and you can take about two good naps. Some days you don't sleep well and still need three naps a day. At night, what can I say, things haven't changed much. I don't know why I am still trying to get you to conform whatever "they" say. I need to start just trusting me and going by what you need. You'll get it soon enough, you are a smart girl.
Well baby girl, I am falling in love with you more and more. You are doing so much and I love your new independent mentality. However, you still know where mommy is at all times and I love when you come up to me and need me at the same time. I love when you bury your head into my shoulders and my chest. Well baby girl, on to next month!!!
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Sunday, July 5, 2015
7 Months: Pulling up
Its funny the things you hear when a women get pregnant and have a baby. People say a lot of things and you'll hear you have to take with a grain of salt and never think about it again. One of the sayings are "Things will get better at 3 months and at 6 months." I heard this and to be honest Isabella, Mommy rolled her eyes and thought how can things change that much. BOY, I put my foot in my mouth this month. You have been busy growing this month. You have hit A LOT of your milestones and even some way earlier than typical.
We started out this month taking another plane trip to Missouri. This trip was just you and me baby girl, we went solo on this and just about 2 weeks after Uncle Josh got married. We headed to Missouri because Hailey Lopez was getting married this time. The Lopez' are such amazing people and I was so excited to show you off to them. Mommy lived with Don and Margie as I was going to college for my Masters. We flew in June 4th in to Springfield, you did great on the plane. It was a little long flight than the flight to Oregon. That first night we hung out at Brain and Dana's house during the day. Everyone LOVED YOU!! Kezzie and Sammy Jo loved playing with you as well as Brian and Dana. That first night we just had a quiet night after a long day of traveling. You met: Rich Landi, Anthony, Brian, Dana, Megan Cardwell, Kezzie, Sammy Jo, Gracie, Faith, Michelle. Don and Margie. The next day, we went to the saddlebrooke pool with Nicole, Sophia, Anthony, and Rich. You loved the pool, you are such a water baby and you enjoyed swimming with mommy. After a morning of going swimming, we went back down to Brain and Dana and hung out there for a little bit longer, till Margie got off of work and took us back home.
The next day was the BIG day for Hailey and we went to her wedding in the afternoon. In the morning, Mommy took you down and showed you off to some of the neighbors that she knew. Everyone commented on how beautiful you are. You were acting a little shy and would place your head on my shoulders. You met: Hailey, Benjamin, Sam and Brenda. Sunday and Monday we hung out with everyone. We had lunch the girls, and just was enjoying company. Everyone there is such so dear to mommy's heart that I am so glad you got to meet them. They poured their love on you all weekend long. On Tuesday, June 9th, we headed home. It was a nice long weekend but you were ready to go home and see daddy. That week we stayed home and relaxed. That weekend, actually daddy flew to Missouri to help Nino. Nino was come in CA to pack up his things at Marie's house. Since your daddy has such a HUGE heart he didnt want Nino to drive out by himself and then drive back. So, your daddy flew out there on June 13th and they were gonna drive back to CA on the 15th. When Daddy and Nino arrived after a 24 hour drive, they crashed at the house but we got to see and have some Nino time in the morning for breakfast.
June 18th, Mommy went to the gym and grandma and Auntie watched you as I worked out. June 19th, we actually went to a funeral. Her name was Sherri Garcia. Mommy knew her and her son a long time ago when we were younger at church. Brandon and Uncle Josh are about the same age. This weekend was Father's day so we celebrated grandpa by going to the park and having relaxing day. Then later saturday night we went out to dinner at olive garden with cousin, auntie, grandma and grandpa. On Sunday, we went to aunt Misty and celebrated Papa and Daddy. We had a pool party and you went in the pool with daddy. Your cousin loved you and loved playing with you and making you laugh. Mommy and Daddy actually celebrated our 1st year wedding anniversary on June 22!! I cant believe its been one year already. We went out and took a family photo shoot. You were tired but did okay. This week was a busy one. Mommy's 3rd cousins were in town: Soliz family and spent a week at grandma's house. So we were there hanging out with them. We also went to Journey of Faith, mommy had an "interview" for a part time job in Sept. 2015. We also celebrated Auntie and Grandpa's birthday. We ended the week unfortunately at another funeral. This one was hard: her name was Priscilla. She was mommy's preschool teacher when mommy was little, then Mommy grew up and worked side by side with her.
About now the biggest question people ask me is, "Is she sleeping through the night?" I dont know what to say. I was one of those people who asked that question and just didnt understand why by now a baby wont sleep during the night. Well Isabella, I understand now. No, you arent sleeping through the night just yet. Sleeping is a subject that is something we are still working on. You wake up about 2-3 times a night and wanting to nurse. I nurse you but by the time you are done, I have fallen asleep feeding you. You are now use to sleeping in my arms. Which mommy loves and you are so precious but its not good for you or mommy. My arms and hand have been going numb holding you. So, I am are starting to put you down once you stop actively eating. You dont like that much and will cry but usually after a half an hour or so you are able to put yourself to sleep. Although we hate hearing you cry its the best we can do. Sorry baby girl, mommy doenst like it either. It also doesnt help that your bedroom is so hot. Daddy and I are trying various ways to keep you cool and hopefully you can sleep longer.
Around 6 months of age, babies are usually just starting to sit up. Well, my precious, you have shown that you are strong and started to sit up just right before you turned 5 months. So, since you have that down you have decided to hit the next milestone. When we came back from Missouri, I was unpacking and organizing your drawers. You were playing happily in your crib and I was busy doing what I need to do. After I was done, I turned to stand up and pick you up from your crib, to my surprise you were STANDING UP and had a huge smile on your face!! I was STUNNED, you just pulled yourself up. I quickly grabbed the camera and took a photo of you standing and a video of you pulling yourself up. Mommy was SHOCKED!! That is a 9 month skill. I showed your doctor your video and she was impressed. Well, that set the stage for the rest of the month. Shortly after that, you were able to get up on all fours. You quite havent figured out how to crawl yet but when you are on the bed you are able to pull the sheets and wiggle from one side to the other. You also started to clap this month. You get so excited and when we say "Yay baby" and you usually start to clap. Also, You signed "all done" this month. Mommy has been starting to sign to you more and more. We sign, "more" "all done" and "eat." Right now you are mimicking me when I sign "all done" you open and close your little hands when sitting in the high chair. You sometimes mimic mommy when I sign "more." It looks like you are clapping but I sign it again and give you more food. It's at least the beginning of signing "more." Towards the end of the month, you are pulling yourself up with such ease. So, you took it to another level and want to WALK. Yes, I said walk holding mommy and daddy's fingers. Need to remind you that walking is a skill that babies do closer to their 1st birthday!! Maga and grandma keeps reminding your that you are a baby and babies dont stand up or walk. You want to show them that they are wrong and that you are strong. Well, baby girl, we all know you are strong and you will take on the world early but right now it's okay to stay a baby. You have your whole life to grow up. The world will still be there, I promise it wont go anywhere.

Other than keeping up with you and your new skills, Auntie had some news to share as well. Late last month, when uncle josh was getting married, Auntie suspected that she was pregnant. She didnt want to upstage Uncle Josh's big day so she waited till after we came back. When we came back life became busier and she finally took a test and it confirmed that she was pregnant. We were so excited to have another cousin for you to play with next year. She was due Jan 2016 just before Jace's 2nd birthday. Then Auntie and Uncle Geoff went to the doctor for her first check up and the sonogram showed two babies!!! Auntie is gonna have TWINS!!! OMG!! You are gonna have two new cousins. I am happy, excited, shocked.... just overall stunned. I cant believe it. Right now, auntie is 11 weeks and is just ending her first trimester. The twins are due in January as of right now but the doctors might deliver them a little bit early around December 20th. Your mommy is so excited, I would never of guessed auntie would be having TWINS...
______________________________________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
We started out this month taking another plane trip to Missouri. This trip was just you and me baby girl, we went solo on this and just about 2 weeks after Uncle Josh got married. We headed to Missouri because Hailey Lopez was getting married this time. The Lopez' are such amazing people and I was so excited to show you off to them. Mommy lived with Don and Margie as I was going to college for my Masters. We flew in June 4th in to Springfield, you did great on the plane. It was a little long flight than the flight to Oregon. That first night we hung out at Brain and Dana's house during the day. Everyone LOVED YOU!! Kezzie and Sammy Jo loved playing with you as well as Brian and Dana. That first night we just had a quiet night after a long day of traveling. You met: Rich Landi, Anthony, Brian, Dana, Megan Cardwell, Kezzie, Sammy Jo, Gracie, Faith, Michelle. Don and Margie. The next day, we went to the saddlebrooke pool with Nicole, Sophia, Anthony, and Rich. You loved the pool, you are such a water baby and you enjoyed swimming with mommy. After a morning of going swimming, we went back down to Brain and Dana and hung out there for a little bit longer, till Margie got off of work and took us back home.
The next day was the BIG day for Hailey and we went to her wedding in the afternoon. In the morning, Mommy took you down and showed you off to some of the neighbors that she knew. Everyone commented on how beautiful you are. You were acting a little shy and would place your head on my shoulders. You met: Hailey, Benjamin, Sam and Brenda. Sunday and Monday we hung out with everyone. We had lunch the girls, and just was enjoying company. Everyone there is such so dear to mommy's heart that I am so glad you got to meet them. They poured their love on you all weekend long. On Tuesday, June 9th, we headed home. It was a nice long weekend but you were ready to go home and see daddy. That week we stayed home and relaxed. That weekend, actually daddy flew to Missouri to help Nino. Nino was come in CA to pack up his things at Marie's house. Since your daddy has such a HUGE heart he didnt want Nino to drive out by himself and then drive back. So, your daddy flew out there on June 13th and they were gonna drive back to CA on the 15th. When Daddy and Nino arrived after a 24 hour drive, they crashed at the house but we got to see and have some Nino time in the morning for breakfast.
June 18th, Mommy went to the gym and grandma and Auntie watched you as I worked out. June 19th, we actually went to a funeral. Her name was Sherri Garcia. Mommy knew her and her son a long time ago when we were younger at church. Brandon and Uncle Josh are about the same age. This weekend was Father's day so we celebrated grandpa by going to the park and having relaxing day. Then later saturday night we went out to dinner at olive garden with cousin, auntie, grandma and grandpa. On Sunday, we went to aunt Misty and celebrated Papa and Daddy. We had a pool party and you went in the pool with daddy. Your cousin loved you and loved playing with you and making you laugh. Mommy and Daddy actually celebrated our 1st year wedding anniversary on June 22!! I cant believe its been one year already. We went out and took a family photo shoot. You were tired but did okay. This week was a busy one. Mommy's 3rd cousins were in town: Soliz family and spent a week at grandma's house. So we were there hanging out with them. We also went to Journey of Faith, mommy had an "interview" for a part time job in Sept. 2015. We also celebrated Auntie and Grandpa's birthday. We ended the week unfortunately at another funeral. This one was hard: her name was Priscilla. She was mommy's preschool teacher when mommy was little, then Mommy grew up and worked side by side with her.
You have been eating solids foods for about 1 month now. We started giving you some solids just a few days before you officially turned 6 months. Mommy was doing some research about foods and found a method called: 'Baby Led Weaning' basically its about skipping baby foods and giving table foods. We started it and you love feeding yourself. You love your fruit, some veggies, bread and you'll almost eat about anything we give you. However, when we went to the doctor about told her what we have been doing, she wasnt too keen on the idea. She wants us to give you 3 meals of baby food a day. As a good mommy, we have been doing that however you do not like it. You will probably eat about 3 or 4 teaspoons of baby food. You push it out with your tongue and turn your head. Mommy has to actually coax you to eat by making you laugh. You will grab table food though and almost devour it though. So, we have been doing a mix of baby food and table foods.
Other than keeping up with you and your new skills, Auntie had some news to share as well. Late last month, when uncle josh was getting married, Auntie suspected that she was pregnant. She didnt want to upstage Uncle Josh's big day so she waited till after we came back. When we came back life became busier and she finally took a test and it confirmed that she was pregnant. We were so excited to have another cousin for you to play with next year. She was due Jan 2016 just before Jace's 2nd birthday. Then Auntie and Uncle Geoff went to the doctor for her first check up and the sonogram showed two babies!!! Auntie is gonna have TWINS!!! OMG!! You are gonna have two new cousins. I am happy, excited, shocked.... just overall stunned. I cant believe it. Right now, auntie is 11 weeks and is just ending her first trimester. The twins are due in January as of right now but the doctors might deliver them a little bit early around December 20th. Your mommy is so excited, I would never of guessed auntie would be having TWINS...
Your doctor visits are going well. You are growing and making good process. Right now, you weigh 17lbs and are 25 inches tall. The way you are growing and developing skills, I have NO idea what lies ahead next month.
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Friday, June 5, 2015
6 months: Starting New Foods
Well, my sweet sweet baby girl, you are 1/2 a year old--- 6 months old!! Your daddy and I are so in love with of you. You are growing bigger and stronger daily!! Some days are long and we anxiously wait for daddy to come home from work however, the days are going by so fast and you are accomplishing so much.
This month was been a fun one. The biggest thing that happened was that Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole got married. We started this month celebrating Papa Nick's 80th birthday. We just had a little dinner at Auntie's house with her special china. We enjoyed the nice sunshine and we played on the grass. We also celebrated my 1st mother's day. I have enjoyed being your mommy so much even on sleepless nights and crying car rides. Friday May 8th, we celebrated mothers day with auntie and grandma and had a special breakfast that Grandpa made us. Saturday we spent mother's day with Maga, Aunt Adrianne, Aunt Misty and everyone else. We ended mothers day weekend with some cupcakes and card from you and your daddy. We also went to Journey of Faith during that week too. I use to work at Journey of Faith so grandma and I went back to see my coworkers and to show you off. They loved you so much and want me to come back again. May 13, we made a visit to Kathy Gronos to say hi and to get more information on introducing foods to you. She wants us to skip baby food and go straight to table food (in of course bite size pieces). May 14, mommy need some "mommy time" so daddy suggested that I go to Dubunne's and get a massage. Grandma offered to watch you during my massage. After that we meet up with daddy again for lunch, We gave you a sweet potato fry like kathy suggested to see how you do with it. You loved it, we have photos of the fry in your mouth and you just sucking it down. May 19th, We had a cousin day where we had lunch with Sharon and Lisa Piccari.

May 21-25, we took your first family vacation to Oregon to see Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole get married. You did so good on your first flight! Mommy nursed you as we were taking off and you fell asleep and almost slept the whole way there. You woke up as we were landing and you wanted to look out the window. Friday, May 22, was the wedding rehearsal after that we went back to the hotel so you can take a nap and then you and daddy went swimming together. Your first time in the pool, and you were having FUN nothing but giggles and smiles. Saturday May 23, You met Sara and her daughter claire. Sara is one of mommy's best friend. You stayed with daddy while Sara and I went shopping. Later that day was the rehearsal dinner, you were all dressed up in your gold polk a dot dress. Everyone loved you, you were flirting with everyone who walked by. Talking and making all sorts of noises. Sunday, May 24 was the BIG day!!! UNCLE JOSH was getting married. You did awesome all day. You hung out with the girls as mommy and auntie got ready for the wedding. Then during the ceremony, daddy had you cause mommy was in the wedding. You were talking through the whole ceremony. It was so cute to hear your noises during the vows. May 25, we flew home and you did great again.
We ended this month at Adrianne's house celebrating both Uncle Jordan and Aunt Adrianne's birthday!! We had a barbecue and just spent time with them.
Oh baby girl, You are blowing through your milestones. You are trying new foods this month: so far youve had sweet potato fries, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew, bread, peaches, nectaries, frozen banana, broccoli, avocados, string beans, and a potato. You love food and I think we are gonna have a good eater on our hands. You like to feed yourself, we've been giving you table foods and you have been doing great so far. You have been wanting to pull yourself up and actually you have been doing great. You still need help a finger to hold on, you also like to pull up on our shirts to stand up. You'll be standing up on your own in no time. You also been making all kinds of noises. You are a happy baby and we love you. I love when you reach for me and when you pull yourself up into my arms. On to next month baby girl.... New people to meet, new places to see and new milestones to conquer.
___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
May 21-25, we took your first family vacation to Oregon to see Uncle Josh and Aunt Nicole get married. You did so good on your first flight! Mommy nursed you as we were taking off and you fell asleep and almost slept the whole way there. You woke up as we were landing and you wanted to look out the window. Friday, May 22, was the wedding rehearsal after that we went back to the hotel so you can take a nap and then you and daddy went swimming together. Your first time in the pool, and you were having FUN nothing but giggles and smiles. Saturday May 23, You met Sara and her daughter claire. Sara is one of mommy's best friend. You stayed with daddy while Sara and I went shopping. Later that day was the rehearsal dinner, you were all dressed up in your gold polk a dot dress. Everyone loved you, you were flirting with everyone who walked by. Talking and making all sorts of noises. Sunday, May 24 was the BIG day!!! UNCLE JOSH was getting married. You did awesome all day. You hung out with the girls as mommy and auntie got ready for the wedding. Then during the ceremony, daddy had you cause mommy was in the wedding. You were talking through the whole ceremony. It was so cute to hear your noises during the vows. May 25, we flew home and you did great again.
We ended this month at Adrianne's house celebrating both Uncle Jordan and Aunt Adrianne's birthday!! We had a barbecue and just spent time with them.
___________________________________________________ Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
Isabella Rose,
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
5 months old: SITTING UP!
You are 5 months today. I am so in awe of how fast you are growing up. I didnt understand it when people said, "It only feels like yesterday when they were that young" but there is a part of me that is slowly understanding it. Yes, you are still young but these days are going by so fast and you are already 5 months old. Growing up and learning new things daily.
I feel like we have been busy ever since you were born. This month was no difference another busy month. It started off remembering when I told your daddy that I was pregnant last year. So much as happened in this year its almost hard to believe. Every now and then, I feel like I have to pinch myself to realize all that has happened. I am so happy that everything happened the way it did. There is a saying, "Everything happens for a reason." I get it now, your daddy and I are just in awe of you daily. We love you so much. I cant help but to kiss you and just love on you. Yes, even when you keep us up in the middle of the night or scream "bloody murder" in the car.
This month we wanted to baptize you in the catholic church. It was important to your dad and a tradition in his family. So, after easter, we started to prepare of your baptism. We first had to pick Godparents for you. We picked Stefen and Anna for your Godparents. Stefen and your dad are best friends. They have known each other for over 10 years and they have gone through a lot during those years. So, We called them and asked them. They agreed immediately and was so excited to become your Godparents. They were moved down from Sweden to Missouri but they were gonna spend about 3 weeks in California first. So, we picked a church and set your baptism date on a Sunday that they were gonna be in town. Before the baptism, we had to take two classes at the church. The beginning of April we were busy doing that. April 19, was your baptism. Everyone came out: Maga/Papa; Uncle Dana/Marie/Sophia; Aunt Adrianne/Uncle Manny and all the cousins; Aunt Misty/Uncle Jordan; Grandma/Grandpa and even Grandpa Mike. Of course Nina, Nino and Marie were there too. You did so good. They anointed you with oil, and blessed you before you were actually baptized. Then you fell asleep. Of course when you were asleep they called us up. You were sleeping when Deacon immersed you. You let out a little cry because you were startled, but once you knew what was happening you were okay. After the service, we went to uncle Dana to have a little luncheon with everyone.
We also had a late Easter with Uncle Josh, Cindy and everyone. Uncle Josh came in town April 10th for his bachelor party weekend. Grandma, auntie, Jace, you and mommy all hopped in the car to pick up Uncle Josh at the airport. That day we hung out with Uncle Josh. We went to Chick-Fli-A for lunch and we dyed Easter eggs. That is a tradition in our family. We have dyed Easter eggs for as long as I can remember. On April 12, we had our "Canty" Easter tradition dinner with Cindy, Ruben, Aunt Gloria and Anutie and Jace. It was fun to have Uncle Josh out that weekend. We had some errands day with Grandma and Auntie like we normal do. This month we had to get our dresses altered for the wedding. Also, We had an Auntie/ Cousin day on April 25th. Grandma was in Vegas at a wedding so your auntie and I went out to our little favorite breakfast spot: Noah's! It was your first time.
Right after your baptism, we drove up to Marie's house to hang out with Stefen and Anna (your nino and nina) a little bit more. They were gonna leave that friday and we have been busy with work, errands and Easter that we didnt get out there earlier in the month. So, we spent a few more days out there. We went out to dinner, breakfast and just hung out with them during the day. They are over then moon in love with you. You loved Anna, you were talking away with her.
We ended the month at Maga's house to celebrate her birthday. We all went out to a restaurant for brunch. You love your Maga, Papa and all your cousins. We just hung out all day, Uncle manny is so good to you and let you use their things. He gave you frozen mangos in a mesh teether. You loved it, you loved the cold on your gyms and the sweet of the mangos. We also went to cindy's house a few times for lunch. You are always a big hit no matter where you go. Everyone loves you!!
You hit another one of your milestones. You are sitting up!!! Isabella Rose, I am so proud of you. You are sitting up so well. The week of you baptism, we noticed you wanted to sit up so your dad and I would place you on your bottom and you would lead forward, placing your hands on the floor. However, by April 26 you were sitting up without support. I placed you on the floor at Maga's house and I noticed you were sitting up straighter. Daddy and I are so overwhelmed by how fast you are growing up and hitting your milestones. You arent really pulling yourself up to sit up but you are trying. However, when we place you sitting up, you can sit up for 10-15 minutes or so.
You do not like your car seat or car rides lately. I dont know why but you cry when you are in the car. Not just cry but SCREAM. I dont know if you dont like leaning back or if its because you are strapped in or cant see out but whatever the reason is--- Mommy doesnt like it. You have to be in that car seat till you are at least 1 year old or 30 lbs. You just have to be patient. A few people suggest that maybe you are car sick. I hope you arent but If you are there is nothing I can do. Sorry baby girl. You also do NOT like sleep training. We stopped training you from last month cause we tried for 2 plus weeks and nothing was changing you actually got worse. So, we stopped. You only like to go to bed when you nurse on me. I love nursing you but you need to learn how to soothe yourself. We are still gonna work on it and we might start up it again now that your are 5 months but oh boy you know how to get mommy to nurse you. I really want to help you gain this skill. It makes it hard at nigtht. You still awake up at least on time at night, sometimes more. I dont understand how you dont like your sleep. You fight it tooth and nail for your naps and your bed time. Drives momma crazy. You can sleep from 30 mins to 3 hours with your naps, and at night you can sleep anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours. Such a wide range! I never know what to expect from day to day.
Through you fight your sleep and scream in the car... we are so in love with you and are amazed with how smart you are and you are figuring out how to get to one place to the other. You are on a roll and amazing!! Happy 5 month baby girl!! You are loved so much.
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
I feel like we have been busy ever since you were born. This month was no difference another busy month. It started off remembering when I told your daddy that I was pregnant last year. So much as happened in this year its almost hard to believe. Every now and then, I feel like I have to pinch myself to realize all that has happened. I am so happy that everything happened the way it did. There is a saying, "Everything happens for a reason." I get it now, your daddy and I are just in awe of you daily. We love you so much. I cant help but to kiss you and just love on you. Yes, even when you keep us up in the middle of the night or scream "bloody murder" in the car.
This month we wanted to baptize you in the catholic church. It was important to your dad and a tradition in his family. So, after easter, we started to prepare of your baptism. We first had to pick Godparents for you. We picked Stefen and Anna for your Godparents. Stefen and your dad are best friends. They have known each other for over 10 years and they have gone through a lot during those years. So, We called them and asked them. They agreed immediately and was so excited to become your Godparents. They were moved down from Sweden to Missouri but they were gonna spend about 3 weeks in California first. So, we picked a church and set your baptism date on a Sunday that they were gonna be in town. Before the baptism, we had to take two classes at the church. The beginning of April we were busy doing that. April 19, was your baptism. Everyone came out: Maga/Papa; Uncle Dana/Marie/Sophia; Aunt Adrianne/Uncle Manny and all the cousins; Aunt Misty/Uncle Jordan; Grandma/Grandpa and even Grandpa Mike. Of course Nina, Nino and Marie were there too. You did so good. They anointed you with oil, and blessed you before you were actually baptized. Then you fell asleep. Of course when you were asleep they called us up. You were sleeping when Deacon immersed you. You let out a little cry because you were startled, but once you knew what was happening you were okay. After the service, we went to uncle Dana to have a little luncheon with everyone.

Right after your baptism, we drove up to Marie's house to hang out with Stefen and Anna (your nino and nina) a little bit more. They were gonna leave that friday and we have been busy with work, errands and Easter that we didnt get out there earlier in the month. So, we spent a few more days out there. We went out to dinner, breakfast and just hung out with them during the day. They are over then moon in love with you. You loved Anna, you were talking away with her.
We ended the month at Maga's house to celebrate her birthday. We all went out to a restaurant for brunch. You love your Maga, Papa and all your cousins. We just hung out all day, Uncle manny is so good to you and let you use their things. He gave you frozen mangos in a mesh teether. You loved it, you loved the cold on your gyms and the sweet of the mangos. We also went to cindy's house a few times for lunch. You are always a big hit no matter where you go. Everyone loves you!!
You hit another one of your milestones. You are sitting up!!! Isabella Rose, I am so proud of you. You are sitting up so well. The week of you baptism, we noticed you wanted to sit up so your dad and I would place you on your bottom and you would lead forward, placing your hands on the floor. However, by April 26 you were sitting up without support. I placed you on the floor at Maga's house and I noticed you were sitting up straighter. Daddy and I are so overwhelmed by how fast you are growing up and hitting your milestones. You arent really pulling yourself up to sit up but you are trying. However, when we place you sitting up, you can sit up for 10-15 minutes or so.
You do not like your car seat or car rides lately. I dont know why but you cry when you are in the car. Not just cry but SCREAM. I dont know if you dont like leaning back or if its because you are strapped in or cant see out but whatever the reason is--- Mommy doesnt like it. You have to be in that car seat till you are at least 1 year old or 30 lbs. You just have to be patient. A few people suggest that maybe you are car sick. I hope you arent but If you are there is nothing I can do. Sorry baby girl. You also do NOT like sleep training. We stopped training you from last month cause we tried for 2 plus weeks and nothing was changing you actually got worse. So, we stopped. You only like to go to bed when you nurse on me. I love nursing you but you need to learn how to soothe yourself. We are still gonna work on it and we might start up it again now that your are 5 months but oh boy you know how to get mommy to nurse you. I really want to help you gain this skill. It makes it hard at nigtht. You still awake up at least on time at night, sometimes more. I dont understand how you dont like your sleep. You fight it tooth and nail for your naps and your bed time. Drives momma crazy. You can sleep from 30 mins to 3 hours with your naps, and at night you can sleep anywhere from 2 hours to 6 hours. Such a wide range! I never know what to expect from day to day.
Through you fight your sleep and scream in the car... we are so in love with you and are amazed with how smart you are and you are figuring out how to get to one place to the other. You are on a roll and amazing!! Happy 5 month baby girl!! You are loved so much.
Did you learn any thing new about me?! Leave a comment.... that always makes me smile.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
4 Months Old: Rolled over
This month has been busy. March will always be a busy month. First of all, almost all your cousins' birthdays are this month but on top of it we have been invited to bridal showers, we had your welcome to the world shower this shower and you met more and more people. Aunt Lil came by again on March 2, she just loves you. You were talking and laughing with her that day as we waited on lunch. We saw Aunt Nicole and we met her family on March 7 for her Bridal shower. Uncle Josh and Nicole will be getting married in less than 2 months!! You did good that day meeting everyone. Although you did cry the moment Aunt Nicole held you. You are still very much a mommy/daddy baby. You dont mind meeting and saying Hi to people as long as you are in one of our arms. You tend to fuss when someone new holds you. I love that you are our baby girl but other people want to hold you and love you too. March 8, we celebrated Santiago and Lucia's birthday at chuck e cheese. Santiago turned 4 and Lucia turn 2 this year. We went up there to say Happy birthday. Maga, papa and your aunties can't get enough of you. They love you so much and just love spending time with you. While we were there, Uncle Manny wanted to put your hair up in a bow. He made you look all so cute with a black and white "Hello Kitty" bow. While we were up there, we stop by Graham and Amy's house on March 9th. Daddy knew them since High School and Amy just loved you. Later that week, We went to Brittany Foltz's Wedding shower. Mommy knew Brittany Foltz since she was in elementary school. Actually, Uncle Josh and Brittany are actually the same age and were in the same grade growing up. You met more people there. A lot of the people we didn't know but everyone commented on how cute you are and your hair. On March 15, Grandma thew your "Welcome to our World Shower" all of our family came out to see and meet you. They showered you with clothes, gifts and toys. We are so blessed to have so many people who love us. We received a lot of bigger clothes for you: clothes from 6 months to 18 and 24 months. We also ended the month with Easter. March 29th, Palm Sunday, grandma, grandpa, Crystal, Jace and us went to Olive Garden for dinner.
We went to Maga and Papa's house on Easter. You actually turned 4 months on Easter. We had fun, we had an easter egg hunt. Although you are still too little to go and find the eggs but we watched all of our cousins find the eggs. It was on Easter that you rolled over from back to front!!! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of you. Mommy actually noticed that you rolled over when I went to check on you during your naps. I almost couldnt believe it, after you woke up you spend the whole night just rolling over one way and then back!! You were so proud of yourself.

Along with our busy month, We have been hitting milestones. The big milestone this month was ROLLING OVER. You rolled over from you stomach to your back at Graham and Amy's house. We were just sitting there talking, and daddy put you on the floor and.... poof you rolled over, that fast. We really didn't know what just happened!! Daddy and I scream: "Yay baby!" We told Amy and Graham that was the first time you rolled over. Amy was so happy that you decided to do it at their house. After that you have been rolling over from front to back all the time now (when you want to now). When mommy places you in your crib for nap you will roll over on to your back and wake up. You are also talking more and you are just starting to giggle. We have to work for those laugh but it is the cutest thing!! You love looking at your self in the mirror too: you laugh, wave your hands, and want to kiss it/suck on it.
Also, this month you have been testing mommy with your sleeping schedule. You were sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night and mommy was getting so excited about you sleeping longer. Mommy was waking up refreshed and wake! You were also taking 3 naps about 1-2 hours long. You were a very happy baby and mommy was a happy mommy!!! On March 9th you slept around 11-12 hours that night. Daddy and I were SHOCKED!!! You had a busy weekend and was tired. Mommy expected the same the next night but you decided other wise. I think you thought you were a newborn again and thought you could wake up every two hours at night and wanted food. During the day you were eating every hours in a half: before nap and right after nap. You did that for about 2 or so weeks. You still like to eat right before naps and right after naps. We also trying to sleep train you so you can learn to put yourself to sleep. You are having a hard time falling asleep at night by yourself. You break mommy and daddy's heart at night when you scream. Some nights you fall asleep faster than other nights. You are pretty good at putting yourself to sleep for naps. You are ending the month by sleeping about 4-5 hours at a time a night. Mommy is still trying to stick to the 3 naps a day: morning, afternoon, early evening naps.
Also, I think you are teething, you have no teeth yet and I dont see or feel anything coming up soon; but you are sucking your fingers and drooling all the time. One day, you were crying and fussing for over two hours and I couldnt make you happy no matter what I did. I gave you Tylenol and you settled down. Poor Baby! I dont want you to go through the pain of teething. I'll try my best to comfort you.
At the doctors, you measured 25 inches long and 15lbs. You are in the 75th percentile. We also got another round of shots. You did much better while we were at the doctors office. Mommy gave you medicine and nursed you in the room however, about 30 minutes later, the shots kicked in. We had to go to Grandma house to calm you down a little bit. You are mommy's big girl.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015
3 months old: Grasping Items
Another 30 days has flew by and you are another month older: 3months old today. I am both excited and sad that you are growing up to fast. I am excited because I know whats ahead and you have so many milestones I cant wait for you to reach, like rolling over, talking, crawling and so many more!! However, I am sad because the days are just flying by. I look by to photos when you were just born and you were so tiny now you are growing so much you are almost growing out of your bassinet. Your eating and sleeping schedules are roughly the same: eating every two hours or so; and sleeping between 4-6 hours at night. We havent really gotten on a nap routine yet; although mommy has tried. Mommy loves when you take 3 one hour naps during the day but somehow you like to take a bunch of 30 mins naps and then you are so tired throughout the day.
This month, we have been really focusing on doing tummy time. At our last doctor appointment, Dr. Winnie wanted us to do about 100 minutes of tummy time a day as well as some neck exercises. Your left neck muscles are a little tight so we stretch them daily and tummy time helps with those muscles. You are getting so strong. Everyone comments on how strong you are holding up your head and how alert you are.
Your milestones this month are: grasping and giggling. Last month, you started to grasp things that were put in your hand but this month you are starting to grasping items that are around you. When you are on your tummy time map, you will grasp the rings in front of you and shake them. You are also starting to grasp soft materials: blankets and mommy's shirt and put them in your mouth. You are also just starting to giggle and cooing. You love talking to daddy and tell him how your day was when he gets home from work. Its is the cutest little thing to hear.
Our next doctor appointment isn't until April 13. I have been weighing and measuring you at home. You are about 24 1/2 inches long. Mommy is so excited to see you growing and getting bigger. Every now and then we see doctor Kylman at daddy's work and she is always commenting on how big you have gotten.
On to next month, your next milestones, your next measurements and to what lies ahead!! Happy 3 months baby girl. I love you and excited to what lies ahead little one.
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